Page 133 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 133
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165 PUCK: Finally! Here is the moment to 171 (Lysander opens his eyes to see Hermia,
right these hilarious wrongs. Now. This and feels a rush of love for her.)
is Lysander, right? (He double checks, 172 LYSANDER: Hermia? (Then, groggy
leaning in close, squinting.) Yes! Great. and confused, he sees Theseus and Egeus.)
(He plucks a flower from the garland on My lord, I . . . I’m not sure what to say.
his head and dabs it on Lysander’s eyes.) I don’t quite know how we all ended
And just to be safe . . . (He rolls up here. But, in all honesty, I know
Lysander onto his side, so he is facing that Hermia and I were planning to
Hermia.) There! When you wake, you run away—
will see your love, and all will be right 173 EGEUS: (outraged) And for that you
with your world once again. must be punished. Did you hear that,
166 (Puck skips off, tossing his garland into the Demetrius? He wanted to take away
air, quite pleased with himself.) your wife!
174 DEMETRIUS: (to Lysander) Are we . . .
awake? Is this actually happening?
175 LYSANDER: I believe it is but I feel
so . . . odd.
176 DEMETRIUS: (to Egeus) I’m sorry,
sir, but I don’t want to marry your
daughter after all. I mean, I did love her
Scene 6 at one point, but that was a strange
moment in time when I was not myself.
I am back to my old self now, and I
167 (Finally, morning has come. The fog has love Helena. As I did. Before. A while
disappeared. Theseus, who is duke of ago, I mean.
Athens, and Hermia’s father, Egeus, come
177 HELENA: (wary) You do love me?
into the clearing.)
178 DEMETRIUS: I do!
168 THESEUS: Who are these people
179 EGEUS: But—
sleeping here?
180 THESEUS: Egeus, today is for
169 EGEUS: Why, that’s . . . my daughter? celebrating! Let’s allow these couples to
And Lysander? And Demetrius and love who they love, and let them marry!
Helena? I don’t understand! Let us all go to the temple!
170 THESEUS: I nearly forgot. Isn’t today (Lysander stands, extending his hand
the day Hermia must make her to help up his former rival, then turns
decision? Let’s wake them up! (Theseus to Hermia.)
blows his hunting horn, startling the young
people awake.) Explain yourselves!
outraged If you are outraged about something,
you’re angry and shocked.