Page 129 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 129

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                94  DEMETRIUS: Helena! You gorgeous             106  HERMIA: I—you—wait, what?
                   thing! Perfect in every way! Allow me        107  (Helena looks at her friend, astonished.)
                   to kiss your beautiful hand.                 108  HELENA: Hermia! You’re in on this,
                95  (For a moment, Helena just looks at him         too? All three of you are conspiring
                   like he’s crazy. And then . . . )                against me? I can’t believe you would
                96  HELENA: Is this a joke to you?! Are             do this, after everything we’ve shared.
                   my feelings worth so little? You two             We’re best friends—no—more like
                   have banded together to humiliate me             sisters! We’ve been close for so long,
                   for sport! You call yourselves men,              and now you’re going to throw away
                   treating a lady this way? I know you             what we have just to help these jerks

                   both love Hermia!                                play a prank on me? Women
                97  LYSANDER: You’re right on one count.            everywhere would disapprove.
                   Demetrius, we all know you love              109  HERMIA: What are you talking about?
                   Hermia. Well, she is yours—I give her            I’m not doing anything to you!
                   up to you. Now you must give up your         110  HELENA: Oh, please. You put
                   claim to Helena, who is my true love.            Lysander up to this! You told him to

                98  DEMETRIUS: Keep Hermia, I want                  call me beautiful. And then you sent
                   Helena. She’s my true love! I barely             your other love—my ex-boyfriend who
                   even remember who Hermia is.                     can’t stand the sight of me—to woo me
                99  LYSANDER: Don’t believe him,                    with words like “gorgeous” and
                   Helena. He lies.                                 “perfect”! Who says those things to
               100  DEMETRIUS: You don’t understand a               someone they hate? Demetrius and
                   thing, you—Oh, look! Here comes                  Lysander wouldn’t do this unless you
                   Hermia, your love.                               asked them to! You are the one who is

               101  (Hermia enters, scratched up from running       beloved, not me. You should feel sorry
                   through the forest in terror.)                   for me, not hate me.

               102  HERMIA: Is that you, Lysander? Oh           111  HERMIA: Helena, truly, I have no idea
                   thank goodness! I thought I heard your           what you’re talking about.
                   voice. Why did you leave me like that?       112  HELENA: Fine. Keep pretending.

               103  LYSANDER: Love sent me off in                   Mock me as soon as my back is turned.
                   another direction. I had to heed its call.       See if I care. This is a prank for the

               104  HERMIA: Love? I don’t understand.               history books! I’m leaving. Goodbye to
               105  LYSANDER: I had to find my beloved              all of you.
                   Helena, who shines like a star in the
                   heavens! I no longer want you, Hermia.
                   It’s Helena I love.
                                                                      conspiring  Conspiring is teaming up with
                                                                      someone to make a plan against someone else.

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