Page 125 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 125
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Scene 3
40 DEMETRIUS: You know you’re putting
yourself at risk by going into a deserted
forest at night, right?
50 ( . . . Lysander and Hermia enter,
41 HELENA: I know you’ll look after me. stumbling through the dark forest,
And the wood is not deserted because
you are here, and you’re all I need! How exhausted.)
51 LYSANDER: My love, you’re about to
many other ways can I say it? fall down with exhaustion. And I have
42 DEMETRIUS: That’s it. You’re on your to admit I’m not exactly sure where we
own. Good luck fighting off the hungry
wild animals! are. Let’s stop and rest. We can start
43 HELENA: You can’t escape me, again in the daylight.
52 HERMIA: Good idea. I’ll sleep
Demetrius! I have the power of love on
my side. over here on this bank. Where will
44 DEMETRIUS: If you follow me, I can’t you sleep?
53 LYSANDER: Right next to you, of
be held responsible for what I might do.
Consider this fair warning! course. (Hermia gives him a look.) I
45 (Demetrius stomps off.) promise I will do nothing other than
protect you. On my honor!
46 HELENA: I’m not giving up yet!
54 HERMIA: Despite your sweet promises,
47 (Helena chases after him as Puck pops out
from behind the tree.) and the fact that I believe you, we have
48 PUCK: So now, my boss wants me to to do what’s proper. You sleep over
help Helena by putting that potion I there, I’ll sleep here, and our love will
mentioned on Demetrius’s eyes while be the stronger for it.
55 LYSANDER: Of course. Sleep well,
he sleeps. Then he’ll wake up, see her,
and fall in love instantly. Gotta run— my love.
56 HERMIA: You, too.
if I lose track of Demetrius, the plan
57 (As the two sleep, Puck returns.)
will be ruined and I’ll be in trouble.
58 PUCK: Did I just go in a circle? I can’t
As usual.
49 (Puck dashes off just as . . . ) tell. It is dark in this forest! I’m sure my
glasses would help . . . Wait, isn’t that
Demetrius sleeping on the ground
there? It is! And that’s Helena, over
there! What is she doing with this guy?
He totally doesn’t deserve her. (Puck
squints into the darkness, not realizing that
he is looking at Lysander and Hermia, not
Demetrius and Helena.)