Page 122 - G6.1_M1-5
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10 LYSANDER: (taking her hands) But that 13 LYSANDER: (laughing) I will not break
doesn’t mean we can’t take matters into my vow. Will you keep yours? Look!
our own hands. (He looks around, Here comes Helena.
lowering his voice.) Let us leave Athens, 14 (The lovers break their hug as Hermia’s
Hermia, and I will marry you! friend Helena enters, looking miserable.)
Tomorrow night, sneak out of your 15 HERMIA: Lovely Helena! Where are
father’s house and meet me in the you off to?
woods at that spot with the roses where 16 HELENA: Really? You’re calling me
you and Helena like to go. So? Will “lovely”? Take that back, Hermia. I know
you? Will you marry me? Demetrius loves you, not me—you, with
11 (Hermia is so excited, she can’t help but your starry eyes and your sweet voice. I
throw her arms around Lysander.) wish some of your beauty would rub off
12 HERMIA: Oh, Lysander, I swear on on me. I’d give anything to look like you,
every arrow Cupid has ever shot, on sound like you—to be you. What did you
the doves of the Goddess of Love, and do to win him over? What are your
on every vow that has been broken by tricks? You have to tell me!
a man—and men have broken more 17 HERMIA: Helena, I did nothing. I scowl
vows than women have made—I will be at the man and he still loves me.
there tomorrow! 18 HELENA: Clearly my smile could learn
a few things from your frown!
19 HERMIA: I yell at him, and he still
loves me.
miserable Someone who is miserable is
very unhappy.