Page 123 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 123

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                20  HELENA: I wish my kind words would           28  LYSANDER: Goodbye, my love. And
                   have that effect.                                goodbye, Helena—I hope Demetrius
                21  HERMIA: The ruder I am, the more he             falls for you the way you have for him.
                   follows me around.                            29  (Lysander blows Hermia a kiss, which she
                22  HELENA: And the nicer I am, the more            catches. Helena rolls her eyes as the couple
                   he hates me.                                     exits in opposite directions.)

                23  HERMIA: (getting frustrated with her         30  HELENA: Some people have all the
                   friend) Helena, it’s not my fault he’s           luck! In Athens, I’m considered as
                   being an idiot!                                  pretty as Hermia, but what good does

                24  HELENA: You’re right. It’s not. It’s            that do me? None. Because Demetrius
                   your beauty’s fault. I should be so lucky.       only has eyes for her—he’s obsessed!
                25  HERMIA: Look, don’t worry!                      Of course, I’m obsessed too. Love does
                   Demetrius is never going to see me again         crazy things to people. It makes us see
                   because Lysander and I are leaving. (She         what we want to see, not what’s actually
                   looks around at her city in sadness.) Before     there. It’s blind, just like Cupid with his
                   I fell for Lysander, I loved Athens. But         blindfold in paintings! Love also has
                   this place is no longer home to me. I            terrible judgement, and makes people

                   have no choice but to go.                        behave badly. Before Demetrius saw
                26  LYSANDER: Helena, don’t tell anyone             Hermia, he promised me he was mine.
                   our secret. Tomorrow night, when the             But then, he decided he wanted her and
                   moonlight shines on the dewy grass—              his promises to me melted like snow in
                   that time of night when we can flee              the hot sun. (Helena is suddenly defiant.)
                   without getting caught—Hermia and I              Well, his promises are not the only
                   will leave Athens for good.                      ones that melt. I’m not going to keep

                27  HERMIA: We’re meeting in the woods,             Hermia’s secret—I’m going to tell
                   where you and I always go to tell each           Demetrius that she is running off with

                   other our secrets, Helena. Then Lysander         Lysander tomorrow night. He’ll follow
                   and I will go somewhere new, and meet            her into the woods, and then he’ll
                   new people, start a new life. Goodbye,           thank me for telling him, which will
                   my childhood friend. Pray for us, will           make breaking my word to my friend
                   you? And I wish you luck with Demetrius.         worth it . . . won’t it? It’ll hurt to see
                   He would be lucky to have you.                   him chase after her, but at least there’s a
                   Lysander, I’ll see you tomorrow night.           chance that when he sees her devotion

                   Until then, let’s make sure we aren’t seen       to Lysander, he’ll come back to me!
                   together.                                     31  (As Helena dashes off to find Demetrius
                                                                    and spill her secret, Puck returns.)

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