Page 127 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 127
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69 LYSANDER: I can’t believe I ever loved 75 DEMETRIUS: Hermia, you know how
you, Hermia. Just looking at you makes much I love you. Must you be so
me feel ill, like I’ve had too many sweets. unkind to me?
Stay right there, asleep, while I go after 76 HERMIA: What have you done with
Helena, my true love. Goodbye forever! Lysander? Have you harmed him in any
70 (No sooner has Lysander run off than way? That’s the only reason I can think
Hermia calls out in her sleep, in the middle of for him to leave me while I slept! If
of a nightmare.) you hurt him, Demetrius, you will be
71 HERMIA: Lysander! Help! There’s a very sorry indeed.
snake, a snake! (Hermia bolts upright, 77 PUCK: (to audience) Uh-oh. That’s
gasping for breath as she realizes she was Demetrius. And he’s still in love with
just dreaming.) I had the worst dream! Hermia, which means . . . (Puck starts
There was this— (Hermia looks around giggling) . . . I did put the love potion on
to see that Lysander is gone.) Lysander? the wrong person! I put it on Lysander!
Where have you gone? Why would you I wonder who—or what—he saw first
leave me here by myself? Please, answer when he woke up! Hahahaaaaa!
me! (There is no answer. Frightened, she 78 DEMETRIUS: Beautiful Hermia, you
gets up.) I must find him before death hurt me with your cruel words!
finds me in this dark forest . . . (Off she 79 HERMIA: Where is Lysander? Tell me
goes into the dark forest . . . ) right now!
80 DEMETRIUS: I would rather elope
with Helena than tell you where he is.
81 HERMIA: (gasping) So you did harm
him! What did you do to him? Did you
do it while he was sleeping, you
Scene 4 coward? You’re no better than a snake,
you with your lying tongue!
82 DEMETRIUS: I didn’t hurt him. All
72 (Puck enters, frustrated.) right? Calm down. He’s fine, as far as I
73 PUCK: I admit to my boss that I ran know. (Under his breath.) Unfortunately.
into a tree because I lost my glasses, and
83 HERMIA: But where is he? (Demetrius
what does he do? He sends me back
here to double-check that I put the love shrugs, annoyed.) I’m done with you,
potion on the right person. Annoying, Demetrius. You are, quite simply,
right? Now where are those two? (He the worst.
84 (Hermia stomps off to search for Lysander.)
hears voices and strains to see.) Is that them?
74 (Puck ducks behind a tree as Demetrius
elope To elope means to run away secretly to
and Hermia appear.) get married.