Page 132 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 132
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Scene 5 152 DEMETRIUS: Hey! Coward! Where
did you go? Are you shaking in
your boots? Get out here!
143 (Lysander enters, struggling 153 (Puck, still in the tree, pretends to be
to see through the fog.) Lysander.)
144 LYSANDER: Demetrius! 154 PUCK: (as Lysander) Who are you
Where did you go? Say calling a coward? You’re the one who’s
something so I can find you! hiding like a little kid! Should I fight you
145 (Puck peeks his head out from the with a stick instead of a sword, kid?
branches of the tree. He is now 155 DEMETRIUS: (furious) Where are you?!
wearing a garland of flowers 156 PUCK: (as Lysander) Just follow
around his head. He looks down my voice!
at Lysander and grins.) 157 DEMETRIUS: This is ridiculous! I’m
146 PUCK: Here is my chance! going to sit right here. Come and get me
(Calling down to Lysander, when you’re ready to fight, coward!
disguising his voice as Demetrius.) 158 (Demetrius sits down on the other side of
I’m right here, Lysander! Can’t Puck’s tree and promptly falls asleep.
you see my sword glinting in Slowly, quietly, Puck starts to climb down,
the moonlight? but then Helena shows up. He freezes,
147 (Lysander looks around but clinging to the tree.)
can’t see a thing.) 159 HELENA: This fog—I have no idea
148 LYSANDER: I can’t see which way Athens is. It doesn’t matter—
through this fog! Where are you? I’m so tired, I can’t take another step. I’ll
149 PUCK: (as Demetrius) Over here! sleep for a while. Maybe everything will
150 LYSANDER: Enough of this be clearer in the morning.
nonsense, Demetrius. I’m 160 (Helena lies down just a few feet away
going to sit right here. When from the tree, and sleeps.)
you’re ready to do this, 161 PUCK: Annnnd wait for it . . . wait
come get me. Until then, for it . . .
I’ll be napping. That’s 162 (Hermia enters, equally exhausted.)
how not scared I am. 163 HERMIA: I’m upset, filthy, scratched,
151 (Lysander sits with his back and scraped. I can’t go any further. All I
against Puck’s tree and can do now is rest, and hope that
promptly falls asleep. Lysander survives this duel. How did it
Demetrius enters.) come to this?
164 (Hermia lies down and sleeps. Puck climbs
the rest of the way down the tree.)
garland A garland is a wreath of leaves and
flowers worn on the head or around the neck.