Page 131 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 131
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123 HERMIA: How can you talk to me anything to you. Never! Well, I’ll admit
that way? that I did tell Demetrius that you and
124 LYSANDER: Enough! Get away from Lysander were running away together
me! How many times must I say it? so I could follow him into the forest.
125 HERMIA: Are you kidding right now? But all I want now is to go back to
126 HELENA: He is kidding! Just like Athens and get away from all of you. I
you are! won’t follow you anymore.
127 HERMIA: Lysander, I am still me! 135 LYSANDER: No! Helena, you stay;
You are still you! We are in love! Have Hermia, you go!
you forgotten? We were in love before 136 DEMETRIUS: Lysander! Come! We
you fell asleep and then when you will settle this once and for all!
woke up . . . (She falters as he simply 137 (The young men exit, to have their duel.)
stares at her.) So, this is real? You’re 138 HERMIA: Do you see what you’ve
actually leaving me? done now?
128 LYSANDER: Finally, she gets it! Yes, we 139 HELENA: I don’t trust any of you
are done. I love Helena. The. End. anymore, least of all you! Some friend
129 (Very slowly, Hermia turns to Helena with you are.
fury in her eyes.) 140 (Helena runs out. After watching her go,
130 HERMIA: Youuuuu . . . How did you Hermia heads in the opposite direction. A
do this? How did you steal him away thick fog begins to roll in.)
from me? 141 PUCK: Well, I have to say, that was
131 HELENA: And still you continue this better than reality TV! But I’ve had my
game? Nice. Real nice. You are so fake! fun. It’s time to set this right before
132 HERMIA: Fake? Me? How can you say those foolish boys hurt each other.
that? If I didn’t know better, I’d think I First I have to climb this tree and find
was still having a nightmare . . . the flower that will undo what the
133 (Helena takes a step back.) first flower did! Then I’ll use the cover
134 HELENA: (To the young men) This joke of the fog that’s coming in to keep
has gone far enough. Are you going to the boys from finding each other.
let her hurt me? I’m not a fighter— Don’t worry—we’ll get this all settled
please! I’m no match for her. (To soon enough.
Hermia) Believe me, I’ve never done 142 (Puck disappears up the tree to find
the flower.)