Page 124 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 124
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Scene 2
32 PUCK: Ah, so cute, and such hot 35 HELENA: If you stop being so
messes, am I right? So, while all this was attractive, I’ll stop following you!
going on, I was chatting with my boss, 36 DEMETRIUS: How can you still find
Oberon. He told me about a special me attractive? Am I nice to you? No.
flower that has magic nectar which is Am I telling you as clearly as I know
actually a love potion. If the nectar is how that I don’t, can’t, and won’t love
put on the eyelids of a sleeping person, you? Yes!
the person will fall in love with the first 37 HELENA: Somehow, that just makes
person they see when they wake up. me love you more. The more you push
Cool! Oberon wanted me to find this me away, the more I want to be with
flower so he could use it for his own you! Look, just think of me as your
purposes, but then this happened . . . pet. I know, I know—sounds
33 (Puck ducks behind a tree as Demetrius demeaning, right? And yet, I’d consider
comes into the woods, followed by Helena.) it an honor if you thought of me
34 DEMETRIUS: Helena, how many times that way.
must I say it? I don’t love you! And I 38 DEMETRIUS: Helena, I can’t even look
thought you said Lysander and Hermia at you!
were here. Just wait until I get my hands 39 HELENA: And I can’t not look at you!
on that guy. Arghhhh! I’m going crazy in
these woods without my love, and it’s
your fault! Get out of my sight! demeaning Behaving in a demeaning way
may show a lack of self-respect.