Page 121 - G6.1_M1-5
P. 121

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                   Prologue                                                                                                myNotes
                 1  (The setting is the city of Athens, in
                   ancient Greece. Puck stands on stage,
                   squinting at the audience.)

                 2  PUCK: Well hello there, I’m Puck! I’m

                   the “mischievous sprite” mentioned in            Scene 1
                   the list of characters. (Winks.) No, I’m
                   not winking at you—I lost my glasses

                   and can’t see too well. But enough             4  LYSANDER: Hermia, my love, are you
                   about me! I’m here to introduce you to           all right? You look so pale . . .
                   Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s                5  (Hermia can barely speak, she is so
                   Dream by telling you about our four              overcome with tears.)
                   main characters. Their names are               6  LYSANDER: Please don’t cry! Every
                   Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and                 book I have ever read tells of true love
                   Helena, and they’re in a pickle. So I help       being a rough road. All sorts of things

                   them by making things even worse! Ha!            go wrong. Sometime couples are from
                   But that comes later. First, here’s what         different walks of life, or are too
                   you need to know. Hermia’s father,               different in age, or their families want
                   Egeus, wants her to marry Demetrius,             them to marry someone else—
                   but she’s in love with Lysander, and           7  HERMIA: It is torture, having your love
                   guess what? Lysander loves her, too.             chosen for you by someone else!
                   Lucky, right? Meanwhile, to boost his          8  LYSANDER: Even if two people do get
                   case, Lysander tries to cast Demetrius           together, other things can tear them
                   in a bad light. He tells Egeus that              apart, making their love as brief as

                   Demetrius once loved Hermia’s best               lightning in the sky. (Lysander wipes
                   friend Helena, but dumped her for                away Hermia’s tears.) Beautiful things
                   Hermia, proving himself to be a “spotted         can be fleeting, my love. But they’re
                   and inconstant man” (aka, a total jerk).         still beautiful.
                   Hermia has a few days to think about           9  HERMIA: (trying to smile at him) If that’s
                   things, and then she will have to choose         the way it is, then I suppose we must be
                   her fate. And that’s where we start!             patient and bear our struggle. Pain and

                   I’ll leave you to it—I have to find my           sorrow is part of true love.
                 3  (Puck leaves as Lysander and Hermia
                                                                      overcome  Someone who is overcome is
                   come in. Lysander is holding Hermia,               experiencing a deep level of emotion.
                   who looks like she might faint.)                   fleeting  Something that is fleeting passes by
                                                                      very quickly.

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