Page 73 - News_Speech-World
P. 73

MaIN-study   전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.

            Get           Answer the questions briefly.
                          Q1  How did you feel when you heard about the massive reactor
                             explosion in Japan in 2011?
                          Q2  Have you participated in a protest against something before?
                             If so, what was it about?


            TALK          Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
                          Q  What is this passage discussing?
                          A  This passage is discussing 원자력 발전소에 대한 시위자들의 불만
                             in Shizuoka.

                          Q  What do the demonstrators want?
                          A  The demonstrators call for 가동 중인 원자로들을 폐쇄할 것을
                             in the country.

                          Q  According to their opinions, what is the reason Japan should
                             not use nuclear power?
                          A  They say Japan should not rely on nuclear power plants

                             잦은 지진이 국내에 발생하기 때문에

            TALK          Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
                          Q  If you had the power to be able to solve some major social
                             issues, what would you like to address?

                                 문제1 집값 안정화       싶은 사회     문제2 대기업의 지역 상권 독점

                          A   도입     If I could solve some major social issues, I would focus
                                   on two things.
                             문제1   First,
                             문제2  Second,
                             마무리  In conclusion,

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