Page 69 - News_Speech-World
P. 69
MaIN-study 전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.
Get Answer the questions briefly.
Q1 Do you have any experience training pets? What are the basic
activities you trained your pets to do?
Q2 Have you seen any dogs helping the disabled? If so, how did
you feel?
Short Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
Q What is this passage discussing?
A This passage is discussing a deaf dog
수화에 반응하도록 재소자들에게 훈련 받은
Q Why did inmates train the deaf dog called Sparky?
A 교도소 가석방 프로그램의 일환으로, inmates trained stray or
abandoned animals.
Q After training at the prison, where did Sparky move?
A Sparky 청각 장애인 학교로 보내졌다 and will later be adopted as a
family dog.
Long Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
Q As more and more people live with pets, people’s needs for
training them are getting higher. Why do you think training for
pets is important?
이유1 가족과 오래 이유2 주변에
행복하게 살 수 있다 훈련시키는 피해를 주지 않는다
A 도입 There are a few reasons pets need training.
이유1 First,
이유2 Second,
마무리 Therefore,