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TOPIC 15  미국 대형 서점 파산 신청
        Major u.s. bookstore

        files for bankruptcy

        미국의 대형 오프라인 서점 체인 중 하나인 ‘보더스’가 법원에 파산 신청을 했다는 소식입니다. ‘보더스’가
        맞이한 파국의 원인이 무엇인지 잘 들어 보세요.

        Pre-study               In 2010, Borders had 508 superstores in the
                             United States. But after five years of profit losses,
        뉴스 내용을 잘 듣고,
        따라 읽어 보세요.           Borders Group filed for bankruptcy on February 16,
                             2011. The size of Borders bookstores used to attract
        뉴스 듣기
                             many customers. The superstores could offer a much
                             wider selection of books than the average book shop.
                             Additionally, Borders had a special inventory system
                             that helped it figure out what customers wanted.
                                But before long, websites like Amazon made almost
                             every book available to the general public. And experts
                             say that Borders failed because it was not able to keep
                             up with the online trend or digital technology.

       •file for bankruptcy
         파산 신청을 하다
       •superstore 대형 매장
       •profit loss 손해, 손실
       •offer a wide selection of
         다양한 ~을 제공하다
       •additionally 게다가
       •inventory system
         재고 시스템
       •figure out 파악하다
       •before long 곧
       •general public 일반 대중
       •keep up with
         ~을 따라 잡다
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