P. 45
Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa - Asam Basa
Natural dyes can be found in a variety of plants. Natural dyes
besides being used to give color to products are also used as flavors,
antioxidants, antimicrobials and other functions. One plant that can
function as a natural dye is the eagle flower. The use of telang flowers
in Indonesia has been as a natural food coloring agent applied to rice,
candy, ice wax and for non-food ingredients, namely cosmetics.
Telang flowers are believed to have so
many kinds of benefits for the body.
Besides being able to be used as a natural
dye that has benefits for the body, telang
flowers can also be a natural indicator of
acids and bases. According to Rifqi (2021),
telang flowers are thought to be used as
indicators, because these flowers contain
anthocyanin compounds. Dyes found in Figure 23. Bunga Telang
nature, especially those derived from Sumber:
plants when in a solution, the color nb: silahkan klik gambar
depends on the pH atmosphere, so it can untuk memperbesar gambar
be used as an indicator or indicator of
acids and bases in solution.
Bioactive compounds contained in eagle leaves and flowers
include alcohol, phenol, primary amines, secondary amines,
carboxylic acids, nitro compounds and others (Lakshmi, et al., 2014).
Striped flowers also contain flavonoids, quercetin, flavonols, kaemferol,
and mrisetin (Anthika, et al., 2015). Anthocyanin compounds give
purple, blue, and red colors to telang flowers where the phytochemical
content in anthocyanins has good stability so that it can be applied as
a natural dye while the flavonoid content is good for health
(Makasana, et al., 2017). Anthocyanins that are in equilibrium with
other anthocyanin molecules can interact with acidic or alkaline
solutions. This compound will give a red color to the acidic
atmosphere and a yellow color to the alkaline atmosphere.
Bahasa Inggris Kimia (PKIM3139) 41