Page 5 - Summer Program_06-2019
P. 5


        The Music of Living                                               Dan Forrest (1978 – )
        Dan Forrest is a young and already accomplished American composer born in Elmira,
        New York.  His compositions include choral, instrumental, orchestral, and wind band
        works, and his works are performed regularly in leading venues around the world
        including Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center.  Forrest is equally at home in concert music
        and church music, with extensive background in both domains, and he composes for
        ensembles across the spectrum of choral music.  He is known for his skill in writing
        melodic lines for all voices and instruments, and the musical lines of his choral works are
        especially noteworthy for their sensitivity to the nuances, speech rhythms, and deeper
        meanings of their texts.

        “The Music of Living” is an exuberant and inspirational piece with a dynamic piano
        accompaniment and was composed for a performance at the 2011 Texas Music Educators
        Association Convention.
        Giver of life,                               Giver of life,
        Creator of all that is lovely,               Creator of all that is lovely,
        Teach me to sing the words to Your song.     Teach me to dance to the sounds of Your
        I want to feel the music of living;            world.
        And not fear the sad songs                   I want to move in rhythm with Your plan.
        But from them make new songs                 Help me to follow Your leading,
        Composed of both laughter and tears.         To risk even falling,
                                                     To rise and keep trying,
                                                     For you are leading the dance.
                                                                                  - Anonymous

        An die Sonne, D. 439                                      Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828)
        Franz Schubert was an Austrian composer of the late Classical and early Romantic eras.
        Despite his short lifetime, Schubert left behind a vast catalog, including more than
        600 secular vocal works (mainly lieder), seven complete symphonies, sacred music,
        operas, incidental music, and a large body of piano and chamber music. Appreciation of
        Schubert’s music while he was alive was limited to a relatively small circle of admirers in
        Vienna, but interest in his work increased significantly in the decades following his death.
        Today, Schubert is ranked among the greatest composers of the 19th century, and his
        music continues to be popular.

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