Page 8 - Newsletter Q2 2022
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SRO Whitt Implements Citizenship Awards

          Quarter 1
          Juan Zepeda, Automotive; Jacob Kingsmore, Carpentry; Idreona Padgett, Cosmetology; Keliegh Carlson,
          Culinary; Julyed James, Electricity; Luis Resendiz-Martinez, Employability Skills; Rebecca Smith, Fi-
          nance; Roxanna Gallegos-Johnston, Graphic Communications; Caleb Kyle, Health Science (Band); Jamir-
          ra Brackett-Brannon, Health Science (Cash); Kassidy Clippard, Health Science (Wilhelm); Reagan Hen-
          derson, Information Technology; Camryn Bennett, Law Enforcement; Kailey Tate, Machine Tool; Bobby
          Nichols, Marketing; Zoey Morris, Mechatronics; Donovan Orr, Media Technology; Lily Fowler, Sports
          Medicine; John Fowler, Welding
          Quarter 2
          Ian Brown, Automotive; Luke Rogers, Carpentry; Zoe Jen-
          nings, Cosmetology; Moses Swint, Culinary Arts; Kaden Hall,
          Electricity; Deandre Gentry, Employability Skills; Holly Griz-
          zle, Finance; Aaron Batson, Graphic Communications; Addi-
          son Banks, Health Science (Band); Victoria Smith, Health
          Science (Cash); Kimberli Gist, Health Science (Wilhelm); Erin
          Rodriquez, Information Technology; Johniyah Wilkins, Law
          Enforcement; Cadmus Lo, Machine Tool; Mason Greene,
          Marketing; Adam Greer, Mechatronics; Nolan Vrooman,
          Media Technology; Reagan Lee, Sports Medicine; Austin
          Ballman, Welding

          Perfect Attendance for Semester 1 Courses

          Mason Conner Blackwell, Jon Wesley Bradley, Emily Janette Braley, Ja’Coreyun, Elizabeth Renee
          Brenen, Hannah Michelle Brenen, Nazir Broadus, Bianca Elizabeth Buell, Keith Ray Camby, Keliegh
          Cheyanne Carlson, Emma Caitlyn Craw, Gabin Ali Delgado, Jacquelynn Kate Didok, Adam Joseph Greer,
          Ava Faith Henderson, Ian Michael Henderson, Zoe Isabella Jennings, Tyler Faanaun Lee, Rashawn Isaiah
          Makupson, Casandra Paniagua Pantoja, Dylan Prus, Christina Abigail Sellers, Caeleb Owen Sims,
          Tre’Sean Ma’Quavious Suber, Chris John Sutton, Jesus Rey Valladares, Averi Reese Vance, Pa Ying Thao,
          Craig Thompson, Bryson Tyler Wise-Furtek, Mason Lee Withrow, Joshua Ryan Wright, Edward Mason
          Wyatt, Karina Ybarra

         Spartanburg School District Three does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its
         programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has
         been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Deputy Superintendent of Personnel and Student
         Services * 3535 Clifton Glendale Road * Glendale, SC 29346 * (864)279-6000 *
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