Page 3 - Newsletter Q4 2020-2021
P. 3
Senior Christopher Patton Accepts Youth Apprenticeship
with Edgewater Automation
DMTC senior and Mechatronics completer Christopher
Patton has been offered and accepted a Youth Apprentice-
ship with Edgewater Automation, a multi-state company
that specializes in custom advanced automation equipment.
He will be working at the Spartanburg plant, and the com-
pany will provide tuition assistance for his post-secondary
education at Spartanburg Community College.
On Wednesday, April 14, Patton participated in a signing
day event at Daniel Morgan Technology Center to celebrate
this opportunity. The youth apprenticeship will be regis-
tered with the US Department of Labor, and upon completion, Patton will receive
an industry recognized, nationally portable credential.
“Apprenticeships are a great way for companies, schools, and colleges to develop
a workforce pipeline, and DMTC is positioned to develop talent for our local econ-
omy through these opportunities,” said Theresa Perry, Industrial Relations Coordi-
nator for Daniel Morgan Technology Center.
Patton is a home-schooled student who took advantage of the training offered at
the career center and is looking forward to developing his skills at the next level.
DMTC Programs Work on Interdisciplinary Community Project
The Carpentry and Electricity programs created a Blessing
Box for students to enjoy at Cannons Elementary. In addi-
tion, the Graphics Communication class added the colorful
graphics for the finishing touch. The goal of a Blessing Box
is to take what you need and give what you can to help
out members in the community. The first and second
grade classes at Cannons have already begun to stock it.
What a great blessing this is for the community.