Page 4 - Newsletter Q4 2020-2021
P. 4

Carpentry and Electricity Programs Receive Grant

          Mechanical Contractors Association of South
          Carolina awarded a check in the amount of
          $3600.00 to our carpentry and electricity pro-
          grams.  The money will be used to purchase
          hand tool kits and power tools for students
          that are enrolled in these programs.  DMTC
          would like to thank MCASC for its support of
          our students and programs.

          Old vs. Young Compete in Electricity Classes

          On April 1, 2021, Mr. Sparks competed against his level I
          Electricity students in what he calls the Young vs. the Old
          Competition.  The first student to outperform Mr. Sparks in
          wiring a room won a $20 gift certificate.  We would like to
          congratulate Daniil Biriukov who won the competition.  It
          was only the second time Mr. Sparks was defeated in 10
          years.  Congratulations to Daniil!  Mr. Sparks said he does
          not feel defeated because he is so honored to teach so
          many fine students.

         DMTC Teacher of the Year Announced for 2021-2022

          We are proud to announce Andre Dubois, Busi-
          ness Technology Instructor, was selected to be
          the Daniel Morgan Technology Center Teacher
          of the Year for 2021-2022.  Mr. Dubois teaches
          Business Law and Finance as well as Securities
          and Investments.  He and his wife, who teaches
          at BHS, make the long commute from Hender-
          sonville daily to serve  our students.  We appre-
          ciate Mr. Dubois’s hard work and commitment
          to our school and program.  Congratulations Mr. Dubois!
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