Page 8 - Newsletter Q4 2020-2021
P. 8

DMTC Recognizes Students to Celebrate Women’s History Month

         DMTC would like to recognize several young ladies for Women’s History
         Month.  These female students are also non-traditional students, which
         means they are in a technical education program for an occupation that
         employs less than 25% of their gender.

         Kimberly Atkins, BHS senior and triple completer in Mechatronics, Auto-
         motive, and Information Technology, is planning to study Mechatronics at
         SCC after graduation.  Anna Garvey, SHS senior and Mechatronics com-
         pleter is planning to attend George Mason University this fall.  Both of
         these young ladies have been chosen to receive the DMTC Director’s All
         In Award, which is given to one top SHS and BHS student who have
         demonstrated strong motivation and initiative.

         Sasha Worley, BHS senior and Carpentry completer who is also taking
         Electricity I, is considering a degree in Business Management at a local
         college and would ultimately love a job working with her hands based on
         her experiences here at DMTC.  Ashley Hayes, BHS junior, is an Electricity
         completer this year who plans on taking some business courses next year
         at DMTC.  Next year, she is hoping to receive a WBL opportunity related
         to the electrical field with a company that might be willing to help pay for
         some post-secondary education.

         Students Pass SC Practical Cosmetology Exam

         Cosmetology II students took the practical part of
         the cosmetology exam on March 22, 29, and April 19
         in Columbia, SC.  We are proud to say that 100% of
         the students passed this portion of the exam!  Their
         next step will be to take the theory exam to become
         fully Licensed Cosmetologists. We wish them the
         best of luck as they complete this final portion.

         Spartanburg School District Three does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its
         programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person(s)
         has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Person-
         nel Services * 3535 Clifton Glendale Road * Glendale, SC 29346 *(864)279-6000 *
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