Page 5 - Newsletter Q4 2020-2021
P. 5

Student Receives NIMS Certification for Machine Tool

         Kane Lee, Broome High School senior & Machine Tool Technology I
         student, earned his first NIMS (National Institute of Metalworking
         Skills) certification pertaining to Measurement, Materials, and Safety.
         Mr. Garner, the Machine Tool instructor, says this is a difficult certifi-
         cation to earn.  DMTC is proud to offer numerous types of certifica-
         tions to students to help them become college and career ready.
         Congratulations to Kane on this great accomplishment.

         Oilmens Affords Welding Student  a Co-op

          DMTC double completer and Broome High School senior Lan-
          don Connor is participating in a work-based learning co-op with
          Oilmen’s Truck Tanks.  Landon can use skills acquired in Auto-
          motive Technology and Welding Technology to be a true asset
          to this Spartanburg based company.  Congratulations to Landon
          on this wonderful opportunity.

          Spartan Graphics Provides WBL Opportunity
          Congratulations to BHS senior and Graphic Communica-
          tions  completer Walker Johnson for earning a co-op opportunity
          with Spartan Graphics who has been serving Spartanburg for 38
          years in the graphics industry. This family owned business provides
          customers with superior creativity, quality, service, and offering a
          wide range of products.  The owner Marion Tisdale has been serv-
          ing on the DMTC Graphic Communications Advisory Committee for many years and
          offers insight into industry trends for DMTC’s Graphic Communications program.

         Culinary Serves up Quail and Rabbit
          Culinary II students merged southern comfort food and fine dining with their South-
          ern Fried Quail with Grits and Gravy dishes. They also practiced their cooking skills
          during the wild game unit by preparing Braised
          Rabbit Legs with Dijon Cream Sauce, Wild Rice
          with Bacon and Fennel, and Tri-Color Roasted Car-
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