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               W H A T

               A B O U T   T H E

               L O C A L

               P E O P L E ?

      Aside from the comments from the
      international visitors, we gather a lot of

      feedbacks from Taiwanese people to see
      how do we feel about the phenomenon.

      Just as Ashley had mentioned earlier.

      Some of the people we interviewed
      weren’t even aware of the phenomenon

      being existed. It was not until we
      mentioned about the example that they

      realized this sort of incidents happen in
      our lives very frequently.

      One of the locals told us about his

      opinion on the phenomenon is that he

      thinks the major difference between us,
      and the international visitors is how we
                                                                Also, another interviewee told us about his
      focus on the surroundings. Whether in
                                                                    observation of the streets in Taiwan. He
      school or at work, we mainly focus on the
                                                                  pointed out there are always surveillance
      performances of a group rather than the
                                                               cameras setting up beside the roads, which
      individual development. This has helped
                                                                   means it’s easier for us to trace back the
      us to be more cautious about the things
                                                               stolen items or the accident that happened
      happening around us.
                                                              around a specific time.After we gathered all

                                                              these comments from not only international

                                                                visitor but the local people, we have found
      Duke | 102
                                                                two major possibilities of the basement for

                                                                                              the phenomenon.
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