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                                                                   These  posts  about  the  trivia  of
                                                                   everyday  life  can  act  as  the  easiest
                                                                   way  to  supervise  whatever  we  do.
                                                                   Take  the  Facebook  group  of  our
                                                                   school,   National  Taiwan  University
                                                                   of  Science  and  Technology  (NTUST)
                                                                   for  example,   you  can  see  posts
                                                                   about  someone  who  accidentally
                                                                   left  their  keys  on  the  scooters  at
                                                                   least  once  a  week.   Not  consider  it
                                                                   as  a  good  chance  to  get  a  new
                                                                   vehicle,   instead,   we  are  more  likely

                                                                   to  help  each  other  by  hiding  the
                                                                   keys  for  them  so  that  they  won’ t
                                                                   face  a  chance  of  losing  lots  of

       It’ s  no  doubt  that  hospitality  runs  in                 Just  like  I  said  earlier,   we  like  to
       Taiwanese  people’ s  vein.   Frankly,   we                 stick       our      noses       everywhere,

       are  very  fond  of  minding  others’                       helping  others  are  just  like  our
       businesses  as  a  way  to  show  our                       instincts,   and  this  serves  as  the
       caring     nature.      With      this    feature           key      factor      that     we      can     be
       embedded  in  our  minds,   it  will  be  a                 comfortable           for      leaving       our
       pain  in  the  neck  if  we  see  someone                   important        items      on     the     seats
       trying  to  take  advantage  of  others.                    without  worrying  about  them  too

       With  the  flourishing  trend  of  social
       media,   a  lot  of  online  communities
       are     established         throughout         the
       years.   People  can  post  everything  on
       their      page      and       express       their
       opinions  whenever  they  want.   And

       the  topic  can  range  from  hot  news
       around  Taiwan  to  the  smallest  things
       that  happened  on  a  daily  basis.



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