Page 32 - SYF Hispanic Playbook_WorkingDraft (1)
P. 32
Although Spanish is a single language, there are multiple dialects that exist from the
Latin American countries of origin and the pronunciation of words or grammatical
syntax might differ across the different dialects.
U.S. Hispanics can be divided into 3 categories based on their language usage: (1)
Spanish Dominant, (2) English Dominant, and (3) Bilingual
Many US Hispanics live in multigenerational households where it is important to be
able to communicate in Spanish with grandparents or parents at home.
Nearly 90% believe it’s important for future generations of Hispanics to learn Spanish.
Language is an extremely important way to connect with Hispanics, as it continues to
be the language of the heart, even for those who are bilingual.
Many Hispanic raised by immigrant parents were purposefully not taught Spanish in
order to assimilate their children into the cultural norms of American society.
That pressure to assimilate and assuage one’s cultural heritage is a result of the
decades of discrimination and violence against the Hispanic community.