Page 34 - SYF Hispanic Playbook_WorkingDraft (1)
P. 34

• 92% of Hispanics believe that it feels natural to live in the U.S. and connect to its
             culture, yet still, retain the culture of their country of origin.

             • Furthermore, 80% of Hispanics feel entirely comfortable being the only person of
             their ethnicity in a large group of people. This number reaches 86% among Millennial
             Hispanics and 93% among centennial Hispanics.

             The study highlights that strategies based on culture & language when well executed
             can unlock areas of opportunities for brands that are seeking to accelerate their

             business performance further.




             The average Hispanic household size is larger than the average non-Hispanic
             household. Many choices made within these households are done by considering or
             asking other family members. The family dynamic is an integral part of the Hispanic
             community so much so that it influences their purchases, lifestyle, and beliefs.


             Hispanics tend to be more religious than Americans overall and regularly view religious
             activities as an opportunity to spend time with their family. In terms of affiliation,
             Hispanics are more likely to identify as Catholic than to say they belong to any other
             religious group with 77% of Hispanics identifying with this faith. The importance of

             religion tends to fade away from older to younger generations of Hispanic.

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