Page 70 - EW January 2025
P. 70

Special Report


               to  delegates  of  the  Second
               EW-BSAI Education Leader-
               ship Retreat, Dilip Thakore,
         Publisher-Editor of EducationWorld
         welcomed BSAI’s decision to broad-
         base the deliberations and debates to
         include  day  and  day-cum-boarding
         schools. Lamenting that the learning
         outcomes gap between children in de-
         veloped OECD and fast-track South-
         east  Asian  countries  and  India  is
         widening, as evidenced by PISA 2009
         results and subsequent unwillingness
         of the Union education ministry to se-
         lect a cohort of 15-year-olds to write
         the bi-annual PISA, Thakore opined
         that  an  unprecedented  nationwide   Singh: all K-12 leaders welcome  Siddharth Singh: technology usage advice
         effort needs to be urgently made by
         experienced and knowledgeable lead-  Varanasi’s  #2  day-cum-boarding   of online bullying and cyber-crimes,
         ers in K-12 education to improve the   school in the EW India School Rank-  unmonitored  access  of  children  to
         learning  attainments of India’s chil-  ings 2024-25.             digital  devices  and  money,  rise  in
         dren and youth if the goals of Viksit   DECEMBER 22. DAY 2.  The  day  began   physical and sexual abuse crimes in
         Bharat and $30 trillion GDP economy   early on a chilly morning for delegates   society, vaping and substance abuse
         set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi   who volunteered for a 5.30 a.m Kashi   and over-protective parents — have
         for the year 2047 are “not to prove a   Vishwanath Temple darshan (prayer   made education provision a hazard-
         pipe-dream”.                     homage)  at  a  cluster  of  the  oldest   ous enterprise. Simultaneously, there
           “Leaders                       prayer  sites  of  Hinduism.  Knowl-  is  very  little  societal  sympathy  for
         of  India’s  1.40                edgeable and well-trained guides of   school  managements,  especially  of
         million  prima-                  Sunbeam Group escorted the devout   private  schools.  Perhaps  because  of
         ry-secondaries                   for Sugam and Annapurna darshans   a  socialist  hangover,  private  school
         need  to  evolve                 (5.30-7.30  am).  Following  a  tradi-  managements are guilty of anything
         from  individu-                  tional Varanasi breakfast at HHI, del-  that  goes  wrong,  until  proven  not
         als  focused  on                 egates were bussed to the Sunbeam   guilty, which given the sloth of India’s
         enabling  chil-                  School, Varuna.                  judicial  system  is  a  long-drawn  out
         dren to do well                    The  subject  of  the  first  Master-  process.  Therefore,  school  manage-
         in board exams,                  class  of  was  on  ‘Ensuring a Se-  ments should give top priority to chil-
         to leaders capable of transforming our   cure Learning Environment:   dren’s safety and security. Installation
         children to become deep-thinkers and   Comprehensive School Safety   and maintenance of high-tech safety
         problem-solving adults on a par with   Frameworks  and Practices’.  It   devices, background checks of teach-
         politicians, professionals and manag-  was conducted by Siddharth Singh,   ers and employees should not be re-
         ers in developed countries. The pur-  Principal-Director  of  the  CBSE  and   garded as expenses, but as insurance
         pose of the EW-BSAI leadership con-  Cambridge  (UK)-affiliated  Emerald   against liability suits and media expo-
         ferences is to enable school leaders to   Heights International School, Indore,   sure,” said Singh in his interactive and
         start thinking big, beyond board exam   ranked India’s #1+ day-cum-board-  widely appreciated Masterclass.
         results,” said Thakore.          ing school in EWISR 2024-25. In his     Siddharth  Singh’s  brilliant  on-
           After  the  inaugural  addresses  of   45-minute  Masterclass,  Singh,  an   campus physical safety of children and
         the Second Education Leadership Re-  alumnus of Stony Brook University,   teachers  presentation  was  followed
         treat, children of the Sunbeam School   New York, advised assembled school   by  another  absorbing  Masterclass
         presented classical Indian music and   leaders to extensively utilise modern   titled ‘Ensuring a Secure Learn-
         dance performances of exceptionally   technology,  particularly  CCTV  and   ing Environment: Legal Compli-
         high calibre for 45 minutes before the   other  modcon  devices  to  maintain   ance and Child Safety’ conducted
         evening ended with an excellent din-  campus security and serve as deter-  by Seema Jhingan, Senior Partner
         ner hosted by the Sunbeam School,   rents to wrong-doers.         and  Co-founder  of  LexCounsel  Law
         Varuna, Varanasi (estb.1972), ranked   “A combination of factors — rise   Offices, Delhi which provides repre-

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