Page 73 - EW January 2025
P. 73

The  consensus  of  opinion  of  the                            ing temporary accidents and setbacks.
         highly  experienced  and  knowledge-                                Following  a  tea-break,  the  next
         able panelists was that India’s 10,000                            item  on  the  packed  agenda  of  the
         teacher  training  colleges  —  most  of                          three-day  EW-BSAI  Leadership  Re-
         them  privately  promoted  and  man-                              treat, Varanasi 2024 was a stimulat-
         aged — are in bad shape. This is con-                             ing  panel  discussion  on  the  subject
         firmed by the low percentage (14-20                               ‘Scaling Education: Benefits &
         percent) of teachers certified by these                           Challenges of Chain Schools vs.
         institutes managing to clear the Cen-                             Single Owned Schools’. This dis-
         tral/state government’s Teacher Eligi-                            cussion panel also featured a stellar
         bility Test (TET) introduced in 2011.                             cast of highly experienced K-12 educa-
                                                                           tionists — Neera Singh, Principal of
         “       THE PANELISTS WERE                                        the EW top-ranked Rajmata Krishna
                 unanimous  that  teaching-
                                                                           Kumari Girls Public School, Jodhpur;
                 learning standards in exist-
                                                                           the Varanasi-based Sunbeam Group
                 ing teacher training colleges                             Dr. Deepak Madhok, Chairman of
         are very poor. Panelists agreed that                              of Educational Institutions; Sachin
         they should be phased out and that   Sinha: valuable branding advice  Vats,  founder  The  Gurukul  School,
         the  recommendation  of  NEP  2020                                Ghaziabad; Neera Raina, Director of
         to  the  effect  that  four-year  teacher   appointed Principal of Mayo College   Millennium Schools; Rakesh Gupta,
         training degree programmes should   eight months ago, highlighted the im-  Managing Partner of the Hyderabad-
         be  introduced  in  multi-disciplinary   portance  of  transforming  education   based LoEstro Advisors; and Subra-
         universities, should be actioned im-  institutions into respected and trusted   manyan Kantheti, CEO of Veranda
         mediately. Meanwhile school leaders   brands.                     K-12.  This  high-powered  panel  was
         should ensure provision of rigorous   “A brand is not just a name or logo,   moderated by Bhavin Shah, CEO of
         continuous  in-house  teacher  devel-  it is a comprehensive representation   EducationWorld.
         opment  programmes,  perhaps  with   of  identity  and  values,  cultivated   The panelists were evenly divided
         external  experts,  to  train  teachers   through various elements that influ-  between  dedicated  and  committed
         in  contemporary  pedagogies  to  de-  ence  perception  and  behaviour.  Ef-  leaders  of  single,  standalone  and
         velop children’s critical thinking and   fective branding is crucial for build-  multi-institution chain schools. The
         problem-solving skills,” said Summiya   ing recognition, loyalty, and trust,” he   latter advanced spirited arguments in
         Yasmeen, who chaired the panel dis-  said. He also presented strategies and   favour of unique standalone schools
         cussion which aroused spirited com-  value propositions to transform ge-  which provide highly personalised ed-
         ments from delegates. (For complete   neric schools into respected, trusted   ucation to small numbers of children,
         deliberations of this panel visit www.  and resilient brands capable of surviv-  and chain schools which reach stan-               Second panel experts with moderator Bhavin Shah (centre)
           In the post-lunch session of Day 2
         of the recently concluded Leadership
         Retreat, delegates were presented an
         excellent Keynote Address on ‘Strat-
         egies to Build Future-Ready, Re-
         silient Global Education Brands’
         by Saurav Sinha, the recently ap-
         pointed (2024) principal of Mayo Col-
         lege, Ajmer (estb.1875) ranked India’s
         #2 boys boarding school in EWISR
         2024-25. In his 30-minute address,
         Sinha, an alum of London Business
         School, with several years in health-
         care  and  digital  marketing  in  Lon-
         don, Europe and Singapore who quit
         the corporate world ten years ago to
         serve in Indian education (Pathways
         World School, Gurgaon and Harrow
         International,  Bangalore)  and  was

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