Page 72 - EW January 2025
P. 72

Special Report

         sentative  and  advisory  services  on                            tant to acknowledge that Bharosepe/
         education laws, franchising, software/                            Jodo stepped forward to part-sponsor
         information technology and corporate                              the Second EW-BSAI Education Lead-
         and commercial law.                                               ership Retreat at Varanasi, for which
         I    N HER 45-MINUTE MASTER-                                      tion, an excellent example of latest dig-
                                                                           many thanks.
                                                                             The  enlightening  Jodo  presenta-
              CLASS,  Jhingan  stressed  the
              importance  of  all  schools  es-
                                                                           in K-12 education, was followed by the
              tablishing SMCs (School Man-                                 ital technologies being implemented
         agement Committees) as stipulated by                              first  high-powered  panel  discussion
         s.21 of the RTE Act, 2009 and outlined                            of the Leadership Retreat which de-
         the contours of the doctrine of vicari-                           bated ‘Building a Stronger Work-
         ous liability, i.e, the extent to which                           force: Bridging the Gap between
         school trustees, governors and prin-                              Teacher Training and Classroom
         cipals can be held liable in criminal                             Reality’. The stellar panel of educa-
         and civil law for acts of omission and                            tionists who focused on the burning
         commission of teachers and other em-  Jhingan: safety recommendations  issue of poor quality teacher training
         ployees.                                                          institutes countrywide, and the neces-
           Moreover,  Jhingan  clearly  ex-  Dey explained, the platform’s flagship   sity of schools and education leaders
         plained the major provisions of the   product named Flex enables schools   according high importance to teacher
         POCSO (Protection of Children from   to  automate  fee  payment-collection   welfare  and  development,  included
         Sexual  Offences)  Act,  2012  and  the   during the entire tenure of a student   Prodipta Hore, Program Director at
         Juvenile Justice Act, 2015, drawing   as she progresses from K-12 by safely   the Aditya Birla Education Academy,
         attention to several judgements of the   connecting her parent’s bank account   Mumbai; Dr. Sheela Mallya, Prin-
         Supreme Court; recommended poli-  to the school’s accounts section. “Bi-  cipal of Children’s Academy, Mumbai;
         cies that school leaders should imple-  lateral  fees  payment  arrangements   Dr. Amrita Burman, Director of the
         ment in their institutions to prevent   made by parents and schools can be   Sunbeam  Group,  Varanasi;  Vibha
         crimes against children and women,   factored into Flex to the satisfaction   Kapoor, Principal of Welhams Girls
         and uphold institutional reputation.   of both parties,” explained Dey. Little   School, Dehradun and Ahishek Bag-
         Advising school principals and lead-  wonder that since the company was   chi, Principal of Presidency School,
         ers that in legal cases of negligence   promoted four years ago, it has ac-  Banashankari, Bengaluru. The delib-
         “courts  tend  to  award  higher  com-  quired a clientele of 2,500 education   erations of the panel were moderated
         pensation  against  private  schools,”   institutions  and  has  processed  fees   by Summiya Yasmeen, Co-founder
         Jhingan  presented  delegates  with   over  Rs.5,000  crore  for  1.5  million   and Managing Editor of Education-
         safety and security recommendations   parents countrywide. It’s also impor-  World.
         detailing the roles and responsibilities   First panel experts with moderator Summiya Yasmeen (centre)
         of principals, heads of departments,
         advising  empowerment  of  adminis-
         trators with budgetary authority and
         establishment of a compliance officer
         reporting to the SMC.
           Following a brief tea-break, the 100
         delegates at the Second EW-BSAI re-
         treat were treated to an informative
         presentation  by  Koustav Dey,  an
         alum of IIT-Kanpur and IIM-Banga-
         lore who together with two IIT-IIM
         colleagues promoted Bharosepe Tech-
         nology Services Pvt. Ltd (estb.2020)
         which has ideated and designed Jodo,
         an ICT (information communication
         technology) platform featuring a suite
         of  IT-driven  software  and  products
         that sharply reduce the pain of pay-
         ment and collection of school fees. As

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