Page 75 - EW January 2025
P. 75
EW-BSAI Education Leadership Re-
treat convened to enable school lead-
ers to provide globally benchmarked
K-12 education.
After Ms. Ghosh’s presentation,
delegates departed to a Ganga Aarti
ceremony, described by a delegate as
a “spiritual experience unique to Vara-
nasi”. This excursion was followed by
a Musical evening-cum-dinner hosted
by the Sunbeam School, Suncity at its
sprawling campus during which sev-
eral delegates volunteered to entertain
guests with retro songs.
DECEMBER 23. DAY 3. The day began
early at 5.30 a.m for religiously and/
or culturally committed delegates with
a ferry ride by bajda (two-tier house- Ganetti (left): "out-of-class curriculums" Agnihotri: laws & protocol advice
boat) along the Ganges to Varanasi’s
famous Namo and Assi Ghats. After most respected corporates, running tions. Therefore, it is very important
breakfast at the HHI hotel, the third creativity contests and organising for school leaders and teachers to be
day’s first Masterclass was conduct- “industry treks”. “Real learning hap- well aware of laws and protocols to be
ed by Swati Ganetti, an alumna of pens outside the classroom. We pride instituted to insure against criminal
IIT-Delhi and the blue-chip Wharton ourselves for designing out-of-class prosecution and loss of institutional
School of Business, Philadelphia and curriculums,” Ganetti informed the reputation as also long-lasting dam-
currently Head of the Undergradu- Leadership Retreat delegates. age to children’s mental well-being
ate Program at Masters’ Union, Gu- and psyche,” said Agnihotri. There-
rugram (MU), a new-genre B-school FTER A TEA-BREAK, the fore, she advised delegates to ensure
established in 2020 by Harvard, Stan- A last Masterclass of the that legally mandated policies are
ford and Wharton alumni. EW-BSAI Leadership scrupulously followed and committees
In her engaging address titled Retreat, Varanasi 2024 are established to protect teachers and
‘Driving Student Success: Look- was conducted by child rights advo- students.
ing Beyond Academics in a Fast- cate Shikha Agnihotri, an alumna Following a brief valedictory cere-
changing World’, Ganetti described of Delhi and Gujarat National Law mony in which all delegates were pre-
the unique business management universities and founder of Right sented participation certificates after
pedagogy of Masters’ Union — which Side Story (estb.2019), a Delhi-based lunch, the assembly dispersed.
has quickly established a national rep- for-profit committed to “partnering Post-event feedback received from
utation and is ranked among India’s with educational institutions to cre- school leaders many of whom tra-
Top 5 private B-schools by Educa- ate safe, nurturing and inclusive envi- versed long distances to attend the
tionWorld (May 2024) — as “learning ronments”. Right Side Story provides three-day Leadership Retreat at Vara-
business by doing business”. education institutions with the train- nasi indicates this initiative has made
In her 50-minute Masterclass, she ing and advice on ways and means to positive impact. “The wealth of knowl-
highlighted that the MU way of pro- protect students from the rising num- edge exchanged at the Leadership Re-
viding undergrad business manage- ber of online and offline dangers that treat has given me many takeaways
ment education is to teach the Top 10 they are heir to. Since the firm was for application in my school,” said
business management skills — com- promoted five years ago, it has pro- Mridula Shrivastav of Little Angels
munication, customer service, leader- vided policy development advice, ho- Junior School, Gwalior.
ship, project management, analytics, listic training and workshops to 2,000 “Everything from the manner in
teamwork, sales, problem-solving schools and 350,000 students in 40 which the Leadership Retreat pro-
and research — “through practice”. cities countrywide. gramme was curated, to the relevance
Therefore, this innovative new-genre “For a variety of reasons includ- of the subjects debated, was wonder-
B-school focuses on developing stu- ing the instant global connectivity of ful,” says Anuradha Sharma, Re-
dents digital marketing skills, provid- the Internet, crimes against children gional Coordinator (North India),
ing global immersion programmes by and women are rising exponentially Ryan International Group of Schools
interning students with the world’s in society and in education institu- (see box p.74).