Page 45 - EW August 2023
P. 45

Dr. Kasturirangan (left) & Union education minister Dharmendra Pradhan releasing NCFSE 2023: feedback appeal

         assumption of leadership of the national education reform   not obliged to read it in toto.
         initiative. Therefore, we have spared him the burden of an   “This NCF aims to be understandable and relatable to,
         interview to explain the purposes and modalities of NCFSE   and usable by, practitioners of education, including teach-
         2023.                                            ers and other educators, school leaders, and functionaries
           Meanwhile,  while  formally  releasing  the  ‘pre-draft’   of the education system such as project officers, cluster and
         NCFSE 2023, the education ministry’s statement empha-  block resource persons, block education officers, teacher
         sised that it was made public to solicit feedback “from vari-  educators, examination boards, and curriculum/syllabus/
         ous stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers,   textbook development teams,” says the draft NCFSE pro-
         teacher educators, experts, scholars and professionals”.   logue. In short, this voluminous policy is for teacher train-
         “While giving your feedback, it needs to be kept in view   ers rather than for teachers themselves. The primary mes-
         that this is a pre-draft of the NCFSE which still requires   sage of NCFSE 2023 is that teachers need to be brought
         several rounds of discussion within the National Steering   up to speed if NEP 2020 is to be implemented successfully
         Committee (NSC). Feedback from diverse stakeholders will   because the “teacher is at the heart of the practice of edu-
         further help NSC to look critically into different modalities   cation”.
         and approaches that this framework is proposing,” says the   That teacher trainers rather than teachers themselves
         ministry’s statement. This EducationWorld feature is being   are the prime targets of NCF-FS and NCFSE is confirmed
         presented to the ministry and public as feedback to NCFSE   by  Dr. Chetan Singhai,  the  highly-qualified  (JNU,
         2023.                                            NIAS, Institute of Education, UCL, London and National
           Although  the  voluminous  pre-draft  NCFSE  is  bereft   Law School of India University) Chief Consultant, Tech-
         of the customary foreword and summary, its purpose is   nical Secretariat of the Union education ministry, which
         made clear in the introduction. “The overarching objec-  is overseeing the entire NCF (early years, school, teacher
         tive of this NCF(SE) is to help in positively transforming   and adult education) formulation process working in close
         the school education system of India as envisioned in NEP   consultation with Dr. Kasturirangan. “All four constitu-
         2020 through corresponding positive changes in the cur-  ent drafts of NCF 2023 have to be viewed as a continu-
         riculum, including pedagogy,” says the introductory state-  um primarily directed at teacher educators employed in
         ment. And in anticipation of the initial shock reaction of   614 state-level DIETs (District Institutes of Education &
         most educators confronted with the voluminous 684-page   Training) and six Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs).
         NCFSE pre-draft, the intro makes clear that teachers are   Working in close cooperation with NCERT (the apex-level

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