Page 46 - EW August 2023
P. 46
Cover Story
Delhi-based National Council of Edu- tion, was also an excellent document
cational Research & Training), these put together by 21 focus groups of em-
are the nodal agencies which will dis- inent educationists. However, it made
charge a major role in ensuring that very little impact on government
the painstakingly formulated NCF school teachers who were its prime
2023 meets its goal of implementing targets. State-level DIETs made half-
NEP 2020 and substantially raising hearted efforts to include its recom-
teaching-learning standards in K-12 mendations into their teacher training
education,” says Singhai. programmes. This time round, the
According to Singhai, the already four tomes — foundational, school,
completed NCF-FS and NCFSE drafts teacher and adult education manuals
are formidably expansive because this — formulated by the Steering Com-
time round, they include a large num- mittee offer numerous clear goals and
ber of stage-by-stage curricular goals illustrations to translate objectives
(CGs) and ILOs (illustrated learning into step-by-step teacher development
outcomes) or examples and explana- programmes. But I am skeptical about
tions for eight core subjects. “These the capability of teacher educators in
CGs, and ILOs or illustrations which Singhai: numerous CGs & ILOs DIETs to translate them into inspiring
supplement bland copy and directives teacher development programmes.
will make the job of teacher educators ment NEP 2020. NCFSE 2023 has The main reason why learning out-
easier,” explains Singhai. provided government and private comes have remained stagnant, es-
N as a worthy successor to tially raising teaching-learning stan- cause teachers are disempowered and
pecially in government schools, is be-
schools a clear roadmap for substan-
CFSE 2023 IS welcomed
demotivated. They are not involved in
dards in K-12 education,” says Dr.
NCF-FS by Dr. Swati
Popat Vats, the well-in- Popat Vats. the policy formulation process nor are
Although she welcomes the highly
they involved in implementing NEP
formed President of the Podar Jumbo detailed new NCF-FS and NCFSE with and NCF at the taluk level, or even in
Kids Education Network of 498 pre- their large number of illustrations, drawing up school plans. Greater in-
schools spread across India. Last No- aka examples, which makes the job of volvement of teachers’ representatives
vember, Dr. Popat Vats had enthusi- teacher educators easier, Maya Me- in the Steering Committee or at least
astically welcomed the 360-page NCF non, an alumna of Delhi and Leicester in drawing up district-level imple-
for Foundational Stage released by the (UK) universities and highly commit- mentation programmes and school
Union education ministry. With refer- ted Founder-Trustee of the Banga- plans is necessary to encourage them
ence to NCF-FS she said: “The docu- lore-based The Teacher Foundation to assume responsibility and improve
ment is not just a vision but shows the (estb.2002) which during the past 21 learning outcomes,” says Menon.
pathway, the tools and the (teacher) years has trained 93,000 teachers, is Undoubtedly, there is substance
training required to achieve the goals apprehensive about last mile delivery. in Menon’s assertion that India’s
set by NEP 2020.” “NCF 2005 which accorded high 975,000 K-12 teachers — especially
Dr. Popat Vats is similarly enthused importance to connect children’s in 1.1 million government schools
by NCFSE 2023. “The new curriculum learning to their lived experience countrywide — are demotivated
framework is truly national because it outside classrooms, discouraged rote despite their relatively higher Pay
sets out in detail what teachers should learning and accorded great impor- Commission-linked remuneration, a
ensure children across the country tance to sports and vocational educa- stimulus denied to the great major-
learn in eight curricular areas — lan- ity of private school teachers. In the
guages, mathematics, sciences, social country’s estimated 400,000 budget
sciences, arts, physical and vocational NCF-FS and NCFSE drafts private schools in which students’ tu-
education and interdisciplinary areas are formidably expansive ition fees vary between Rs.500-1,000
— regardless of the exam boards to per month, teachers’ remuneration is
which their schools are affiliated. This because this time round, often 20-25 percent of the payout to
degree of detail was not provided in they include a large number government school teachers. How-
NCF 2005. Therefore, it is a better ever, the downside of government
guide to teacher educators and teach- of stage-by-stage curricular schools service is that teachers are
ers. Moreover, it provides numerous goals & illustrated learning obliged to serve in ill-maintained in-
examples and handholds teachers — stitutions lacking essential facilities of
including headmasters — to imple- outcomes toilets, safe drinking water, electricity,