P. 35
They experimented with boiling the leaves in red wine instead of water,
and added coffee grounds and tea leaves to achieve an individual colour.
Red Henna has more vibrant results on Caucasian hair due to its natural
lighter base colours. On base colours 3&4 rich burgundy can be achieved
whereas, the same red Henna on base colours 5 through to 10 bright
copper and titian can be achieved.
Red Henna is a safe natural vegetable dye; the only down side is, that if
after some time the client wishes to permanently dye or permanently
wave her hair over the top of red henna, problems can occur.
A patchy colour or areas of hair that has not curled, this is due to the red
Henna leaves containing a fatty tissue that coats the
hair in random places (Fig 30.)
Before either permanently waving or dying the hair, you must remove
this fatty tissue with surgical spirit, or rubbing alcohol on a piece of
cotton wool.