Page 172 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 172

The injection site:  The inner part of the forearm (midway) between the wrist and elbow.

                   1.  Tray
                   2.  Syringe & needle (sterile)
                   3.  Receiver
                   4.  Drug  (to be injected)
                   5.  File
                   6.  Marking pen

                   1.  Take Equipment to the patient's side
                   2.  Explain Procedure to patient
                   3.  Get hold of the arm & alcohol swab & inject the drug about 0.1-0.2cc into the epidermis
                   4.  Check for the immediate reaction of the skin (10-15 minutes later for tetanus, 20-30
                       minutes later for penicillin)
                   5.  If it is for time test, make the area
                   6.  Chart the date and time of the administration of the drug.
                   7.  Take care of the Equipment & return to their places.
                   8.  Do not forget to do the reading after 72 hours if it is for the tine test (tuberculin test).
                        16.3.2 Sub-cutaneous injection /sc/
                       Definition: Injection of the drug under the skin in the sub-coetaneous tissue
                       Purpose: To obtain quick absorption than oral administration
                                       When it is impossible to give medication orally

                       Figure 16.4 sites of SC injection

                       Subcutaneous Injection Sites: A. Abdomen; B. Lateral and Anterior Aspects of Upper Arm and
                       Thigh; C. Scapular Area on Back; D. Upper Ventrodorsal Gluteal Area.

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