Page 177 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 177
➔ Start from the injection site and move outward in a circular motion to a circumference of
about 2” (5 cm) from the injection site
➔ Allow the area to dry
➔ Place small, dry gauze, nearby surface, or hold it between the fingers of your non-
dominant hand.
10. Remove the needle cap by pulling it straight off
11. Spread the skin at the injection site using your non-dominant hand
12. Hold the syringe in your dominant hand like a pencil or dart.
13. Insert the needle quickly into the tissue at a 90-degree angle
14. Release the skin and move your non-dominant hand to steady the syringe’s lower end
15. Aspiration blood (check three times)
➔ Aspirate gently for blood return by pulling back on the plunger with your dominant hand
➔ If blood enters the syringe on aspiration, withdraw the needle and prepare a new injection
with a new sterile set-up.
16. If no blood appears, inject the medication at a slow and steady rate (10 seconds/ mL
of medication)
17. Remove the needle quickly at the same angle you inserted it
18. Massage the site gently with a small, dry gauze or spirit swab, unless contraindicated
for specific Medication. If there are contraindications to massage, apply gentle pressure at
the site with small, dry gauze or a spirit swab.
19. Discard the needle:
Do not recap the needle
Flush three times with 0.5% chlorine solution
Discard uncapped needle and syringe in the appropriate container if available
20. Assist the client in a position of comfort
21. Remove your gloves and perform hand hygiene
22. Recording; the medication administered, dose, date, time, route of administration, and
IM site on the appropriate form.
23. Evaluation of the client's response:
Check the client's response to the medication within an appropriate time
Assess the site within 2 to 4 hours after administration
N.B:- 1. Strict aseptic technique should be observed throughout the Procedure. IM Injections Techniques
Definition: It is the introduction of a drug in solution form into a vein, often the amount
is not more than at a time.
• When the given drug is irritating to the body tissue if given through other routes.
• When quick action is desired.
• When it is particularly desirable to eliminate the variability of absorption.