Page 181 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 181

The rate of flow is regulated by the following formula.
                        The number of ml. Of sol. X number of drops in ml.
                        The number of hrs. Over which soln. Is to be administered X 60 minutes

                             1ml = 15 -20 drops

                       Preparation of the patient since an infusion therapy takes several hours to complete; the
                       pt. should first be made comfortable.
                       The arm board should be long enough to extend beyond the wrist and elbow joint.
                       The board should be padded
                       The infusion bottle should be labeled with the date, time infusion is started, and drops per
                       minute, and any added medications.
                       If more than one bottle is used in 24 hrs. IT should be labeled as bags 1, 2, 3, and so no.
                       Extend the arm in the most comfortable position.
                       Usual areas used for intravenous infusion are:-
                       The median basilica vein on the inner surface of the arm.
                       A vein on top of the foot
                       In an infant the jugular vein and the sepal vein.

              Vein cut down
                       Definition:  Dissection of a vein for inserting I.V. cannula or needle
                       1. When vein puncture is difficult
                       2.  When prolonged, continuous infusion is needed
                       3.  When a secure infusion is essential
                       4. When the rapid infusion is important
                       5. When emergencies combine these indications
                   1.  Dressing forceps (1)
                   2.  Cotton balls in gall pot
                   3.  Solution for cleansing
                   4.  Gloves
                   5.  Hole sheet (Fenestrated towel)
                   6.  Syringe and needle
                   7.  Scalpel (Surgical knife)
                   8.  Mosquito forceps (3)
                   9.  Aneurysm needle (1)
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