Page 184 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 184

15. The drop/minute, in the beginning, should be very slow
                   16. Watch the patient closely for any reaction
                   17. If there is no reaction from the patient regulate the rate of flow according to the patient’s
                       conditions and the order
                   18. Splint the arm and position it comfortably
                   19. Remove the Equipment you have used, wash and return to its proper place
                   20. Record the time you started the blood and any other pertinent information
                   21. Check pt. Frequently
                       1. Always remember to have an anti-histamine injection ready in case a patient reacts to
                       the blood
                       Be familiar with the most usual symptoms of blood reactions.

                             Immediate reaction:
                       a. Headache
                       b. Backache
                       c. Chills
                       d. pyrexia
                       e. Rash on the skin (urticarial)
                             Late reaction:
                       a. Dyspnea
                       b. Renal shut down in severe cases
                       c. Hematuria
                       d. Chest pain
                       e. Rigor (rigidity)

                       16.5 Administering an Eye Medication
                   1.  Medication administration record (MAR)
                   2.  Eye medication
                   3.  Tissue or cotton ball
                   4.  Non-sterile gloves

                       1. Check with the client and the chart for any known allergies or medical conditions that
                       would contraindicate the use of the drug.
                       2. Check the MAR against the written orders.
                       3. Gather the necessary Equipment.
                       4. Follow the five rights of drug administration.
                       5. Take the medication to the client's room and place it on a clean surface.
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