Page 185 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 185
6. Check the client's identification armband.
7. Explain the Procedure to the client; inquire if the client wants to instill his or her eye
8. Wash hands, don non-sterile gloves.
9. If the eye has crust or drainage along the margins or inner canthus, gently wash the
eye. Always wipe from inner canthus to outer.Use warm soaks to soften material if
10. Place the client in a supine position with the head slightly hyperextended.
A. Instilling Eye drops
11. Remove the cap from the eye bottle and place the cap on its side.
12. Squeeze the prescribed amount of medication into the eyedropper.
13. Place a tissue below the lower lid.
14. With dominant hand, hold eyedropper 1/2 to 3/4 inch above the eyeball; rest the hand
on the client's forehead to stabilize.
15. Place non-dominant hand on the cheekbone and expose the lower conjunctival sac by
pulling on the cheek while applying slight pressure to the inner canthus.
16. Instruct the client to look up, and drop the prescribed number of drops into the center
of the conjunctival sack
17. Avoid instilling medication directly into the cornea.
18. If the client blinks and the drops land on the outer lid or eyelash, repeat the
19. Instruct the client to gently close eyes and move eyes.
20. Remove gloves; wash hands.
21. Record on the MAR the route, site (which eye), and time administered.
B. Eye Ointment
22. Repeat steps 1–10.
1. Lower lid:
With a non-dominant hand, gently separate the client's eyelids with thumb and finger, and
grasp the lower lid near the margin immediately below the lashes; exert pressure down
over the bony prominence of the cheek.
Instruct the client to lookup.
Apply eye ointment along the inside edge of the entire lower eyelid, from inner to the
outer canthus.
2. Upper lid:
• Instruct the client to look down.
• With a non-dominant hand, gently grasp the client's lashes near the center of the upper
lid with thumb and index finger, and draw the lid up and away from the eyeball.
• Squeeze ointment along the upper lid starting at inner canthus.
23. Repeat steps 19–21.