Page 183 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 183

To provide clotting factors normally present in the blood which is absent as a result of the

                   1.  A bottle containing blood, with the patient's name, blood group, and Rh. Factor.
                   2.  Blood giving set.
                   3.  Sterile forceps in a sterile jar
                   4.  Sterile syringes and needle
                   5.  Alcohol swabs
                   6.  Sterile gauze
                   7.  Rubber sheet and towel
                   8.  Tourniquet
                   9.  Arm splint
                   10. Bandages and scissors
                   11. Adhesive tape
                   12. Receive for dirty swabs
                   13. I.V. pole(stand)
                   14. Patient’s chart
                   15. U/S Equipment

                   1.  Before blood transfusion is administered the nurse has to check the blood group & Rh-
                       factor if cross-match of the donor's and the recipient's blood is done and is compatible
                   2.  Prepare the tray with necessary items
                   3.  Before taking it to the patient's room check the patient's name, hospital number, bed
                       number, blood group, Rh-factor, and the expiration date with a 2  number, blood group,
                       Rh-factor, and the expiration date with a 2  nurse or a doctor. (Blood should be used
                       within 21 days of its withdrawal date)
                   4.  Take it to the patient room
                   5.  Explain Procedure to patient
                   6.  Hang the bottle and remove the air from the tubing
                   7.  Put pt. In a comfortable position
                   8.  Place rubber and towel under the arm
                   9.  Check the vital signs before administering
                   10. Choose the vein
                   11. Apply tourniquet
                   12. Clean the skin and feel for a distended vein and clean again
                   13. Puncture the vein with the needle ( the needle here should be short and wide so that it
                       does not cause occlusion easily)
                   14. After you make sure that you are in the vein release tourniquet & open the lamp
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