Page 178 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 178
• When blood drawing is needed (exsanguinations)
1. Tray
2. Towel and rubber sheet
3. Sterile needle and syringes in a sterile container
4. Sterile forceps in a sterile container
5. Alcohol swabs
6. File
7. Ordered Medication
8. Tourniquet
9. Receivers (2)
10. Treatment Chart
11. Glove/sterile and clean/
12. Sterile Fenestrated towel/or two pieces of sterile towel/
13. Bowel of 0.5% chlorine
14. Punctured resistant container
1. Explain the Procedure to the patient
2. Wash hands
3. Prepare your tray & the medication
4. Wear a clean glove if needed
5. Position the patient properly
6. Place rubber and towel under his arm (to protect the bed linen)
7. Expose the arm and apply a tourniquet
8. Ask the patient to open and close his fist.
9. Palpate the vein and clean with alcohol swab the site of the injection (Which is mainly
the mid cubital vein of the arm)
10. Clean with a circular motion, proceed from the center of the site outward.
11. Wear sterile glove
12. Drape the fenestrated towel/the two pieces/above and below the site
13. Hold the needle at about 15-30 angles in line with the veins.
14. Puncture the vein and drawback to check whether you are in the vein or not. (Blood
return should be seen if you are in the vein)
15. Once you know that you are in the vein, release the tourniquet and gently lower the angle
of the needle
16. When it is nearly paralleled to the vein and instill the medications.
17. Give very slowly unless there is an order to give it fast (Normally 40-60 drops is given in
1 minute).