Page 174 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 174

Impaired coagulation mechanisms
                       Occlusive peripheral vascular disease
                       After thrombolytic therapy
                       During myocardial infarction

                       Sites for IM injection

                       Figure 16.5 sites of IM injection

                       A. Dorsogluteal:  Place hand on the iliac crest and locate the postero superior iliac spine. Draw
                       an imaginary line between the trochanter and the iliac spine; the injection site is the outer
                                The site can be located by two methods
                       An anatomic landmark is used to locate the dorsogluteal site. The posterior superior iliac
                       spine and the greater trochanter are palpated.
                       An imaginary line is drawn between the posterior superior iliac spine and the greater
                       The injection site is lateral and slightly superior to the midpoint of this line.
                       Divide the buttock into four quadrants using the crest of the ileum and gluteal fold as the
                       superior and inferior boundaries, respectively, between which an imaginary vertical line
                       is drawn.
                       An imaginary horizontal line is drawn from the medial fold to the lateral aspect of the
                       The injection is given in the upper outer quadrant. If the site is identified correctly, the
                       nurse will avoid damage to the sciatic nerve.
                       The dorsogluteal site is not to be used for children under 3 years of age because their
                       gluteal muscles are too small.

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