Page 86 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 86

Patient assessment
                     Assess the client for signs of gastric distress, such as nausea, vomiting, and cramping, to
                       determine the client’s tolerance for the tube feeding.
                     Assess the feeding tube placement every 4 hours to confirm tube placement in the GI
                     Assess the client’s respiratory status to evaluate for pulmonary aspiration of gastric
                     Assess the client’s ongoing nutritional status to evaluate the effectiveness of tube feeding.
                     Assess the client’s intake and output to evaluate feeding impossible.

                   1.  NG tube
                   2.  Tap water
                   3.  Formula /Liquid food ( at room temperature)
                   4.  IV stand
                   5.  Tray
                   6.  Clean Glove
                   7.  50ml syringe
                   8.  Funnel
                   9.  Disposable gavage bag and tubing
                   10. Towel
                   11. Tissue paper
                   12. Dirty receiver
                   13. Chart

                   1.  Explain the procedure to the patient, provide privacy
                   2.  Wash hands and assemble the necessary equipment.
                   3.  Assist the client to a fowler's position in bed or a sitting position in a chair, the normal
                       position for eating
                   4.  If this position is contraindicated, a slightly elevated right side-lying position is
                       acceptable.  These positions help/ enhance the gravitational flow of the solution &
                       prevent aspiration.
                   5.  Assess the client for feelings of abdominal distension, blenching, loose stools, flatus or
                       plain; bowel sounds, and allergies to foods.
                   6.  If the NG tube is not in place follow the NG tube insertion procedure and insert the tube
                       and secure it.
                   7.  Confirm correct placement of the tube
                   8.  Cover the patient’s chest with the towel to protect him/her from spills of food.
                   9.  Aspirate stomach contents to determine the amount of residual and measure it.
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