Page 91 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 91

                       Objectives: At the end of the unit the trainees will be able to:
                   1.  Apply the basic principle of body mechanics
                   2.  Apply the principle of lifting and moving
                   3.  Use appropriate lifting and moving devices

                       To assist the patient who is unable to move himself
                       To prevent fatigue and injury
                       To maintain good body alignment
                       To stimulate circulation
                       General rules for lifting
                       Assess lifting situation: Always try to find a lifting partner if possible, even in an
                       Explain to the patient: Tell him how he will assist in the lift; patient participation helps
                       Remove all obstacles: The lifting path must be clear so that lifters can move freely
                       Wait for the signal to lift: Leading lifter gives signal so that the lifter moves together
                       When lifting is completed make sure the patient is comfortable

                       5.1 Lifting a helpless patient in bed

                       According to the Procedure

                   1.  Explain the Procedure to the patient
                   2.  Remove all pillows, air rings, etc.
                   3.  Lower the head of the bed and fold back the  bedding from the side  not   interfere with
                   4.  Flex the patient’s knees
                   5.  Lifter “A” slips one arm under the patient's head and shoulders and one arm under the
                       patient's back
                   6.  Lifter “B” slips one arm below lifter “A” and one arm under the thighs
                   7.  Lifter “A” gives directions to lift and both lift at the same time
                   8.  The patient may slip his arms around the lifter's shoulders

                       5.2 Assisting a patient up in bed

                     Have the patient flex his knees
                     The patient puts one hand on one of the lifer's shoulders
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