Page 93 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 93
5.6 Moving a patient to stretcher or bed
❖ Have bed ready to receive patient
❖ Bring stretcher to bed, placing the head of the stretcher at foot of the bed at a right
angle to the bed
❖ Three lifters come to the same side of the stretcher on the inner angle
❖ Roll blanket over the patient so as not to be in the way
❖ The first lifter places hands and arms under the patient's head and shoulder
❖ The second place one arm under the back and the other under the patient's buttocks
❖ The third places one arm under the upper part of the leg and the other under the lower
❖ Bring the patient in the union to the edge of the bed. The first should give the command
when ready to lift
❖ Lift in the union, holding the patient towards you and resting him against the chest
❖ Together walk along the bed and stretcher/bed to the proper place
❖ Lower patient gently and gradually
❖ One lifter covers the patient while the other two remove the stretcher or bed
The stretcher/bed may be placed parallel and next to the bed and the lifters must grasp
the sheet which is under the patient and together draw him across.
There should be at least three persons for this Procedure and preferably four; one
person at the head, and the foot and one on either side of his/her bed.
The patient should be lifted very gently especially if unconscious
The Procedure is preferable if the sheet under the patient is strong
5.7 Getting the helpless patient up into a chair
To get a helpless patient out of the bed and into a chair with a little exertion as possible,
and make him comfortable.
1. Explain to the patient
2. Place the chair on the convenient side of the bed with the back of the chair parallel to
the foot of the bed. If the wheelchair is used, see that the footrest is up and that the
wheels are locked
3. Place blanket in the seat of the chair, top edge even with the back of the chair
4. If pillows are used place one standing against the back of the chair and one pillow on
the seat of the chair
5. Check the patient's pulse
6. Bring the patient to the edge of the bed
7. Fold beddings to the foot of the bed and flex the patient's knees