Page 94 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 94

8.  With the right arm under the patient's head and shoulders and with a left arm under
                       thighs, lift the patient up and at the same time swing him around into a sitting position
                       with feet hanging over the edge of the bed.
                   9.  Slip-on robe
                   10. Steady him for a few seconds
                   11. Put on slippers or shoes
                   12. Standing directly in front of him with one hand in each axilla slip the patient to his feet
                       and at the same time turn him gently and place him in the chair.
                   13. Make bed
                   14. Watch patent constantly and note the patent's plus after he has been in the chair for a
                       few minutes.
                   15. Never leave the patent in a chair without someone to call for help if he needs it.

                       5.8 Assisting a patient to walk (ambulation)
                   1.  The patient's arm is drowned across the helper's shoulder and the body is partly
                       supported by grasping the wrist and the arm.
                   2.  The helper puts his/ her arm around the patient’s upper arm nearest him.
                   3.  Two helpers are necessary if the patient is quite helpless and big
                   4.  Allow only a few steps the first time the patient walks.
                   5.  Do not allow him to become too tired.

                       5.9 Assisting the new surgical patient out of bed

                   1.  Check the pulse.
                   2.  Turn the patient on the side; so that his knees extend slightly over the edge of the bed.
                   3.  Have the patient place hand or upper arm on the bed near the waist. Instruct him to
                       push with his hand and rise to sitting position when instructed to do so.
                   4.  Extend feet over the edge of the bed
                   5.  The nurse places one hand under the lower shoulder and the other hand in the upper
                       axilla and gently lifts the patient to a sitting position as he lightly pushes with his hand
                       on the bed.
                   6.  Steady him in the sitting position. Check his pulse
                   7.  If the pulse is not for greatly increased after a movement place one of your feet between
                       the patients' feet and your other foot back well for balance. Place your hands under the
                   8.  Lift the patient to a standing position and turn him with his back towards the chair
                   9.  Sit him down gently
                   10. Check pulse again after a few moments

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