Page 227 - The Midnight Library
P. 227

                shared  that  pain  with  Ash,  and  more  oen  than  not  it  was  a  bed  as  Molly

                was getting better and better at sleeping through.
                   ere    were   awkward     moments,     of   course.   Nora   never   knew   the   way   to
                anything,  or  where  things  were  in  the  house,  and  Ash  sometimes  wondered
                out  loud  if  she  should  see  a  doctor.  And  at  first  she   had  avoided  sex  with

                him,  but  one  night  it  happened  and  aer wards  Nora  felt  guilty  about  the  lie
                she was living.
                   ey  lay  in  the  dark  for  a  while,  in  post-coital  silence,  but  she  knew  she
                had to broach the subject. Test the water.

                   ‘Ash,’ she said.
                   ‘Do you believe in the theor y of parallel universes?’
                   She   could    see   his   face   stretch   into   a   smile.   is   was   the   kind   of

                conversation on his wavelength. ‘Yes, I think so.’
                   ‘Me  too.  I  mean,  it’s  science,  isn’t  it?  It’s  not  like  some  geeky  physicist  just
                thought, “Hey, parallel universes are cool. Let’s make a theor y about them.”’
                   ‘Yeah,’ he agreed. ‘Science distrusts anything that sounds too cool. Too sci-

                fi. Scientists are sceptics, as a rule.’
                   ‘Exactly, yet physicists believe in parallel universes.’
                   ‘It’s   just   where   the   science   leads,   isn’t   it?   Ever ything   in   quantum
                mechanics     and   string   theor y   all   points   to   there   being   multiple   universes.

                Many, many universes.’
                   ‘Well,  what  would  you  say  if  I  said  that  I  have  visited  my  other  lives,  and  I
                think I have chosen this one?’
                   ‘I would think you were insane. But I’d still like you.’

                   ‘Well, I have. I have had many lives.’
                   He smiled. ‘Great. Is there one where you kiss me again?’
                   ‘ ere is one where you buried my dead cat.’
                   He  laughed.  ‘ at’s  so  cool,  Nor.  e     thing  I  like   about  you  is  that  you

                always make me feel normal.’
                   And that was it.
                   She realised that you could be as honest as possible  in life, but people  only
                see  the  truth  if  it  is  close  enough  to  their  reality.  As  oreau  wrote,  ‘It’s  not

                what  you  look  at  that  matters,  it’s  what  you  see.’  And  Ash  only  saw  the  Nora
                he  had  fallen  in  love  with  and  married,  and  so,  in  a  way,  that  was  the  Nora
                she was becoming.
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