Page 231 - The Midnight Library
P. 231


                As   the   weeks   went   by,   Nora   began   to   feel   something   remarkable   start   to

                   She   began   to   remember     aspects   of   her   life   that   she   had   never   actually
                   For  instance,  one  day  someone  she  had  never  known  in  her  root  life  –  a
                friend   she   had   apparently     known     while   studying    and   teaching    at   the

                university  –  phoned  her  about  meet ing  for  lunch.  And  as  the        caller  ‘Lara’
                came up on the phone, a name came to her – ‘Lara Br yan’ – and she  pictured
                her   completely,   and   somehow      knew   her   partner   was   called   Mo,   and   that

                they   had   a   baby   called   Aldous.   And   then   she   met   her   and   had   all   these
                things confirmed.
                   is  sort-of  déjà-vu  happened  increasingly.  Yes,  of  course  there  were  the
                occasional  slip-ups  she  made  –  like  ‘forgetting’  Ash  had  asthma  (which  he
                tried to keep under control via running):

                   ‘How long have you had it?’
                   ‘Since I was seven.’
                   ‘Oh yes, of course. I thought you’d said eczema.’

                   ‘Nora, are you okay?’
                   ‘Yes.  Um,  fine.  It’s  just  I  had  some  wine  with  Lara  at  lunch  and  I  feel  a  bit
                spaced out.’
                   But  slowly,  these  slip-ups  became  less  frequent.  It  was  as  though  each  day
                was  a  piece  fitting  into  a  puzzle  and,  with  each  piece  added,  it  became  easier

                to know what the absent pieces were going to look like.
                   Whereas  in  ever y  other  life  she  had  been  continually  grasping  for  clues
                and  feeling  like  she  was  acting,  in  this  one  she  increasingly  found  that  the
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