Page 229 - The Midnight Library
P. 229

                happy  in  this  life.  She  wondered,  momentarily,  who  Alicia  was  and  what  she

                was like. At least there were good sunsets there.
                   ‘You okay?’ asked Ash, as Nora gazed absent-mindedly at the label.
                   ‘Yeah, sure. It just, um, looks like a good one.’
                   ‘ at’s  my  absolute  fave,’  said  Ewan.  ‘Such  a  bloody  good  wine.  Shall  we

                get it open?’
                   ‘Well,’ said Nora, ‘only if you were going to have a drink anyway.’
                   ‘Well,  I’m  not,’  said  Joe.  ‘I’ve  been  overdoing  it  a  bit  recently.  I’m  in  a  little
                teetotal patch.’

                   ‘You   know    what   your   bro   is   like,’   added   Ewan,   planting   a   kiss   on   Joe’s
                cheek. ‘All or nothing.’
                   ‘Oh yeah. I do.’
                   Ewan  already  had  the  corkscrew  in  his  hands.  ‘Had  one  hell  of  a  day  at

                work.  So  I’m  happy  to  guzzle  the  whole  lot  straight  from  the  bottle  if  no  one
                will join me.’
                   ‘I’m in,’ said Ash.
                   ‘I’m  okay,’  said  Nora,  remembering  that  the  last  time  she  had  seen  him,  in

                the   business   lounge    of   a   hotel,   her   brother   had   confessed   to   being   an
                   ey gave Molly a picture book and Nora read it with her on the sofa.
                   e evening progressed. ey talked news and music and movies. Joe  and

                Ewan had quite enjoyed Last Chance Saloon.
                   A  little  while  later,  and  to  ever yone’s  surprise,  Nora  took  a  le  turn  out  of
                the safe environs of pop culture and cut to the chase with her brother.
                   ‘Did  you  ever  get  pissed  off  with  me?  You  know,  for  backing  out  of  the

                   ‘ at was years ago, sis. Lot of water under the bridge since then.’
                   ‘You wanted to be a rock star, though.’
                   ‘He still is a rock star,’ said Ewan, laughing. ‘But he’s all mine.’

                   ‘I always feel like I let you down, Joe.’
                   ‘Well,  don’t  .  .  .  But  I  feel  like  I  let  you  down  too.  Because  I  was  such  an
                idiot . . . I was horrid to you for a little while.’
                   ese  words  felt  like  a  tonic  she  had  been  waiting  years  to  hear.  ‘Don’t

                worr y about it,’ she managed.
                   ‘Before  I  was  with  Ewan,  I  was  so  dumb  about  mental  health.  I  thought
                panic  attacks  were  a  big  nothing  .  .  .  You  know,  mind  over  matter.  Man  up,
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