Page 233 - The Midnight Library
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                ends  of  the  Earth,  you  could  be  followed  by  millions  on  the      internet ,  you

                could win Olympic medals, but this was all meaningless without love.
                   And  when  she  thought  of  her  root  life,  the  fundamental  problem  with  it,
                the  thing  that  had  le  her  vulnerable,  really,  was  the  absence  of  love.  Even
                her brother hadn’t wanted her in that life. ere had been no one, once  Volts

                had  died.  She  had  loved  no  one,  and  no  one  had  loved  her  back.  She  had
                been  empty,  her  life  had  been  empty,  walking  around,  faking  some  kind  of
                human  normality  like  a  sentient  mannequin  of  despair.  Just  the  bare  bones
                of getting through.

                   Yet  there,  right  there  in  that  garden  in  Cambridge,  under  that  dull  grey
                sky,  she  felt  the  power  of  it,  the  terrifying  power  of  caring  deeply  and  being
                cared  for  deeply.  Okay,  her  parents  were  still  dead  in  this  life  but  here  there
                was Molly, there was Ash, there was Joe. ere was a net of love  to break her

                   And yet she sensed deep down that it would all come to an end, soon. She
                sensed that, for all the perfection here, there was somet hing wrong amid the
                rightness.  And  the  thing  that  was  wrong  couldn’t  be  fixed  because  the  flaw

                was  the  rightness  itself.  Ever ything  was  right,  and  yet  she  hadn’t  earned  this.
                She  had  joined  the  movie  halfway.  She  had  taken  the  book  from  the  librar y,
                but  truthfully,  she  didn’t  own  it.  She  was  watching  her  life  as  if  from  behind
                a  window.  She  was,  she  began  to  feel,  a  fraud.  She  wanted  this  to  be  her  life.

                As  in  her  real  life.  And  it  wasn’t  and  she  just  wished  she  could  forget  that
                fact. She really did.
                   ‘Mummy, are you cr ying?’
                   ‘No, Molly, no. I’m fine. Mummy’s fine.’

                   ‘You look like you are cr ying.’
                   ‘Let’s just get you cleaned up . . .’

                Later  that  same  day,  Molly  pieced  together  a  jigsaw  of  jungle  animals,  Nora
                sat  on  the  sofa  stroking  Plato  as  his  warm,  weighty  head  rested  on  her  lap.

                She  stared  at  the  ornate  chess  set  that  was  sitting  there  on  the   mahogany
                   A thought rose slowly, and she dismissed it. But then it rose again.
                   As  soon  as  Ash  came  home,  she  told  him  she  wanted  to  see  an  old  friend
                from Bedford and wouldn’t be back for a few hours.
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