Page 236 - The Midnight Library
P. 236

                ‘I’m  sorr y.  I  didn’t  know.  I  didn’t  .  .  .  You  see,  I  haven’t  seen  her  for  years.

                Years and years. But I heard from someone who said that she was here . . .’
                   ‘So sorr y,’ the receptionist said.
                   ‘No. No worries. I just wanted to thank her. For being so kind to me.’
                   ‘She died ver y peacefully,’ he said, ‘literally in her sleep.’

                   And    Nora   smiled   and   retreated   politely   away.   ‘ at’s   good.   ank   you.
                ank you for looking aer her. I’ll just go now. Bye . . .’
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