Page 228 - The Midnight Library
P. 228


                During  half  term,  while  Molly  was  off  school  and  on  a  Tuesday  when  Ash

                wasn’t   in   the   hospital,   they   popped   on   the   train   to   London   to   see   Nora’s
                brother and Ewan in their flat in Hammersmith.
                   Joe  looked  well,  and  his  husband  looked  the  same  as  he  had  when  Nora
                had  seen  him  on  her  brother’s  phone  in  her  Olympic  life.  Joe  and  Ewan  met
                at  a  cross-training  class  at  their  local  g ym.  Joe  was,  in  this  life,  working  as  a

                sound    engineer,   while   Ewan    –   Dr   Ewan   Langford,   to   be   precise   –   was   a
                consultant  radiologist  for  the  Royal  Marsden  Hospital,  so  he  and  Ash  had  a
                lot of hospital-related stuff to moan about together.

                   Joe  and  Ewan  were  lovely  with  Molly,  asking  her  det ailed  questions  about
                what  Panda  was  up  to.  And  Joe  cooked  them  all  a  great  garlicky  pasta-and-
                broccoli meal.
                   ‘It’s   Puglian,   apparently,’   he   told   Nora.   ‘Getting   a   bit   of   our   heritage   in

                   Nora  thought  of  her  Italian  grandfather  and  wondered  what  he  had  felt
                like   when   he   realised   the   London   Brick   Company     was   actually   based   in
                Bedford.  Had  he  been  truly  disappointed?  Or  had  he,  actually,  just  decided

                to  make  the  most  of  it?  ere  was  probably  a  version  of  their  grandfather
                who  went  to  London  and  on  his  first  day  got  run  over  by  a  double-decker
                bus at Piccadilly Circus.
                   Joe  and  Ewan  had  a  full  wine  rack  in  the  kitchen  and  Nora  noticed  that
                one  of  the  bottles  was  a  Californian  Syrah  from  the  Buena  Vista  vineyard.

                Nora felt her skin prickle as she saw the  two printed signatures at the  bottom
                –   Alicia   and   Eduardo   Martìnez.   She   smiled,   sensing   Eduardo    was   just   as
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