Page 3 - Sojourner Newsletter- SUMMER 2022 -FINAL
P. 3
Vol. 99 Issue 3 3
Brother Denny Norris hails from Lodi, OH and currently resides in Jacksonville, NC. He was married to the late
Sylvia Jean Norris and they have one son. He holds an Associate’s degree from the Armed Forces Institute in
He entered military service in the United States Army in October 1966 where he first traveled to Fort Benning,
GA for basic training. In 1967 after basic, he transferred to Fort Ord, CA for advanced individual training. He was
honorably discharged in January 1968 and served in the Army Reserve until November 1969.
Upon discharge from the Army, Bro. Norris enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on March 3, 1969. Being
a glutton for punishment, he was shipped to Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, SC for boot camp. Before
boot camp was completed, he was promoted to PFC (Private First Class, E-2). After graduation from Parris Island,
he was transferred to Camp Geiger, NC for advanced Infantry training, where he was meritoriously promoted to
Lance Corporal, (E-3).
From Camp Geiger he was transferred to Norfolk, VA for advanced training for Sea Duty, while stationed aboard
the USS Holland. This prepared him for Marine Security Guard Duty for service at Naval Station Rota, Spain.
While stationed on the USS Holland he was meritoriously promoted to Corporal (E-4). In 1972 he married the love
of his life, Sylvia Jean Norris. They were then transferred to Naval Station Treasure Island, Oakland, CA where he
was stationed for advance security duty. In 1973 he was meritoriously promoted to Sergeant (E-5). Completing duty
at Treasure Island, he re-enlisted for four years and was transferred to Marine Corps Base San Diego, CA to work at
the Marine Corps Exchange in the field of Administration.
In March 1976, Bro. Norris was ordered to Iwakuni, Japan, where he worked for the Marine Corps Exchange as
well as Special Services. There he also served as the NCOIC of the base pistol range for six months. Upon
completion of duty in Japan in 1977, he returned to Marine Corps Base San Diego, CA where in 1979 he attended
Drill Instructor School. While in San Diego he served as both a Junior and Senior Drill Instructor. In 1980, he was
meritoriously promoted to Gunnery Sergeant (E-7). Fast forwarding to 1991, Bro. Norris went back to the Drill
Field as Chief Drill Instructor for Alpha Company, having been promoted to Master Sergeant. At the end of that
tour he was deep selected to Master Gunnery Sergeant (E-9).
All told, the Norris’ were transferred 14 different times to various bases around the world with three overseas
tours. In 1998, Bro. Norris hung up his Eagle, Globe and Anchor and retired from the Marine Corps.
After retiring from active service, from 2001-2014, he was employed as a Supply Officer in several departments at
the Naval Hospital, Camp Lejeune, NC, until he retired a final time.
Masonically, Bro. Norris was Raised a Master Mason in Semper Fidelis Lodge #680, Jacksonville, NC in 2003.
He served as Worshipful Master of Semper Fidelis Lodge #680 in 2007 and Knights of Solomon Lodge # 766 in
2015. Both lodges are located in Jacksonville, NC.
In the Scottish Rite, he became a member of New Bern Valley, Orient of North Carolina, in 2003 where he has
served as Venerable Master of Johnson Blakely Lodge of Perfection, Wilmington, NC in 2021 and is the current
Senior Warden of the Chapter of Rose Croix. He was elected a Knight Commander Court of Honor in 2021. He
serves as First Knight of the Valley of New Bern Knights of St. Andrew and is a member of the Royal Order of
He is a Shriner and was President of Sudan Shriners, Onslow County, NC in 2012.
In National Sojourners and the Heroes of ’76, he is a member of Camp Lejeune Chapter #329 where he was
President in 2013-2014 and served as Treasurer from 2013 to 2019. He is a Past Commander of Tun Tavern Camp
Heroes of ’76, serving in 2014. He is a Past Regional Representative, Past Member and former Chairman of the
Committee of 33 and former Chairman of the Incentives and Awards Committee. He is a Barrow Wheeler and was
awarded the Memphis Cup in 2017.